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Incident Management (class SRE implements DevOps)

In the previous video, Liz and Seth discussed how to make systems observable and how observability helps us diagnose failing systems, but didn't cover what to do when an incident grows beyond the ability of one person to do it all. In this video, you learn about the most important part of the incident management process – humans.

Level 1 Certification: Sumo Logic QuickStart - Oct 2018

Learn the basics for how to search, parse and analyze the logs and metrics that are important to your organization. This session will guide you through running searches, simple parsing and basic analytics on your data. Learn how to convert your queries to charts and add them to Dashboards to help you visualize trends and easily identify anomalies. Lastly, learn how Alerts can help you stay on top of your critical events.

Level 2 Certification: Using Sumo Logic - Oct 2018

Designed for users, this series deep-dives into every aspect of analyzing your data. Run as a "how-to" webinar, this session walks viewers through data searching, filtering, parsing, and advanced analytics. This series concludes with "how to"details to create dashboards and alerts to monitor your data and get Sumo Logic to work for you.