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Unified Network Monitoring for Business Excellence

As the technology advances rapidly, enterprises are inundated with increased users, access requests and gigantic data sets that slows system and critical decision-making processes related to Network Monitoring and Application Monitoring. Motadata provides a unified platform that allows you full control over IT infrastructure with visualization.

GroundWork Monitor Explainer Video

GroundWork Monitor is a powerful on-premise monitoring platform. With GroundWork Monitor, you’ll get complete visibility into your entire IT environment including physical, virtual, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures. If it’s attached to your network, we can monitor it. GroundWork Monitor brings it all together into a single pane of glass.

Monitor Valuable ASP.NET Performance Counters

One of the great features of ASP.NET is the metrics available via Windows performance counters. There is a wide array of them available between IIS, ASP.NET and .NET. This guide on ASP.NET performance counters will review some of the top counters you need to know about and why they are valuable. We will also talk about how to monitor them with Retrace.