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Introducing the Wi-Fi Analyzer for OpManager's Android app: A perfect team for sustained IT infrastructure management

Addressing Wi-Fi issues can be challenging Tracking the availability, speed, and performance of a large number of systems, servers, VMs, routers, access points, firewalls, interfaces, and WAN links, plus monitoring their health is not a simple task. Tackling angry emails from employees about Wi-Fi running slowly, or it taking a lifetime to download a simple setup file or load a business-critical application, can hamper productivity.

More Android malware and another iOS exploit: How to safeguard your devices?

The past few months have seen both Android and iOS fall prey to various security attacks, with more malware attacks and exploits being uncovered on a daily basis. First, let’s look at the newest zero-day Android vulnerability. This vulnerability leverages the ”use-after-free” memory flaw to wreak havoc on mobile devices. In layperson terms, the use-after-free flaw allows access to memory recently freed (after performing some operation) to execute malicious code.

Android malware: How do enterprises tackle this ever-growing menace?

Let us first agree on a couple of things before we start: One, Android is the most affordable platform for enterprises with a mobile-first/mobile-only workforce, and it has the smallest learning curve of any mobile OS. Two, due to its very open-source nature, Android is easy for malicious actors to pray on, with the Google Play Store being the breeding ground for many attacks.

The Joker's in town. Time to secure your Android devices

Security experts from Google have discovered a new spyware in 24 Play Store apps that, combined, have more than 472,000 downloads. Researchers have stated that this spyware also has the capabilities of normal malware and appears to have infected certain apps in Google Play with more than 100,000 installations. Cybercriminals are deploying this spyware through the advertisement framework in those compromised apps.

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10 Best iOS crash reporting tools for 2019

The best iOS crash reporting tools have to meet many expectations. They need to monitor crashes, generate crash reports, filter and group errors, and perform other tasks. In this article, we have collected the 10 best iOS crash reporting tools so you can make a decision. They can help you catch errors in real-time, identify patterns, and fix bugs before they affect your customers.

Announcing Crash Monitoring for macOS with Rollbar

What’s better than an SDK that supports iOS? One that also supports macOS! With the latest version of rollbar-ios (v1.8.1), Rollbar now supports crash monitoring for macOS. You can use Rollbar to monitor, triage, and debug crashes and errors on both iOS and macOS. What else, you ask? We’re excited about some significant improvements for both iOS and macOS. Read on for the details. Real-time crash monitoring & debugging for macOS

Install Uptrends' new mobile app for Android and iOS

We’re happy to tell you that we’ve released a brand new mobile app for Android and iOS! We released the first version a few months ago on Android, and we’ve since added some great new features. The new version is ready for you in either the Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store. The perfect addition to your website monitoring regime.

5 Ways to Optimise Your Site for Mobile

Every year, more and more website traffic is mobile-driven. Statistically speaking, you’re far more likely to be reading this article now on a mobile device rather than on desktop. Indeed, mobile usage goes far beyond website traffic, as virtually every action we take in modern life, from ordering a takeaway to sharing a photo with friends, takes place on a mobile device.

Why is my Website Lagging on Mobile

Accessing a website should be easy, but that’s not always the case when a mobile website is lagging. There are so many requests that are being taken across the globe to provide you with the information and images you need. Here are five common reasons why your website is loading slowly on mobile devices. Your website operates similarly to a vehicle. Whenever a user clicks on your website, they’re turning the key for the engine to start. This sends information to your server so it can load.

Monitoring errors in Xamarin apps

Xamarin is based on Mono, the open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Standard. It allows us to create apps that easily run in multiple devices like phones and smart watches. It solves the difficulties many developers face when they’re developing cross-platform apps like different coding languages and UI paradigms. With Xamarin, you can use C# as a single language for iOS, Android, and Universal Windows apps.