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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Using Thanos to gain a unified way to query over multiple clusters by Wiard van Rij

When using Thanos on top of Prometheus we can leverage this for a unified way in a single data source to query all our data across multiple clusters, servers and Prometheis. Wiard van Rij is an Engineer at Fullstaq helping people, teams, and organizations with various cloud-native challenges with a strong focus on Kubernetes and Observability. Wiard is a Thanos team member, open source enthusiast and has extra fun with security and hacking.

Self Healing Kubernetes at the edge

As developers and businesses are shifting their attention to the edge, everyone wants to build their own edge clusters and manage them. However, building a highly available edge cluster is not easy. Kubernetes simplifies container deployments by abstracting the resource management details from the users, allowing them to deploy using standard CLI or templates.

10 years of cloud infrastructure with Eric Brewer

In this video, Google Cloud Developer Advocate, Stephanie Wong, speaks with Google Fellow, Eric Brewer, about his experience building infrastructure, including Kubernetes, over the last decade at Google. You’ll get a window into what it was like to help propel Kubernetes into one of the largest open source projects today.

What Is Kubernetes Pod Disruption?

Kubernetes pods are the smallest deployable units in the Kubernetes platform. Each pod signals a single running process within the system and functions from a node or worker machine within Kubernetes, which may take on a virtual or physical form. Occasionally, Kubernetes pod disruptions may occur within a system, either from voluntary or involuntary causes.

Mapping FluxCD Applications

Flux is a CNCF based open source stack of tools. Flux focuses on making it possible to keep Kubernetes clusters and cloud-native applications in sync with external resources and definitions hosted in environments such as GitHub. Implementing tools like FluxCD should enable you to achieve results such as: The results above can bring obvious benefits, and many teams are adopting FluxCD as their tool of choice for GitOps.

Provisioning bare metal Kubernetes clusters with Spectro Cloud and MAAS

Bare metal Kubernetes (K8s) is now easier than ever. Spectro Cloud has recently posted an article about integrating Kubernetes with MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service. In the article, they describe how they have created a provider for the Kubernetes Cluster API for Canonical MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service). This blog describes briefly the benefits of bare metal K8s, the challenges it presents, and how the work by Saad Malik and the team from Spectro Cloud solves those challenges.

Getting Started With the InfluxDB Template for NGINX Ingress Controller

Today, many of the internet’s busiest websites and applications rely on NGINX to run smoothly. And many of those websites and apps are run as cloud-native services in Kubernetes. In particular, the NGINX Ingress Controller is a best-in-class traffic management solution for cloud‑native apps in Kubernetes and containerized environments that uses NGINX as a reverse proxy, load balancer, API gateway, cache, or web application firewall.

Software development from anywhere with a dash of noyaml.com - Civo Online Meetup #14

Philippe Charrière (Gitlab) and Geoffrey Huntley (Gitpod) joined us for two talks on utilising Gitpod: A tool for spinning up automated development environments, in the cloud, for any task. In this talk Philippe walked through deploying GitLab Runner quickly on Kubernetes by provisioning GitPod on a Civo Kubernetes cluster, connecting to it, and setting up the GitLab Kubernetes integration.

Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Sysdig metrics

In this article, you’ll learn, through an example, how to configure Keda to deploy a Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) that uses Sysdig Monitor metrics. Keda is an open source project that allows using Prometheus queries to scale Kubernetes pods. In Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Prometheus metrics, you learned how to install and configure Keda to create a Kubernetes HPA triggered by a standard Prometheus query.