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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Fairwinds: Kubernetes Guardrails and Governance to Enable Developers and Reduce Risk

Customers of both PagerDuty and Fairwinds Insights can generate and customize PagerDuty incidents for critical issues in their Kubernetes clusters. This capability includes over 100 checks that have been built-in to Fairwinds Insights for things like container vulnerabilities, insecure workload configurations, runtime security events, and resource usage—as well as custom user-defined policies for compliance and internal requirements.

One Line Developer Experience - Terraform, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

As we kick off the new year and our release of Shipa 1.5.0, dabbling in the art of the possible, what if it was possible to provide your developers with a single line of configuration to get their ideas into production. Shipa is an application and policy abstraction layer which easily integrates with your DevOps toolchains. In this example, we will show what platform engineering or DevOps teams can create to allow for development teams to only have to make a change to a singular line of YAML to get their ideas into production.

Pulling All Your Kubernetes Cluster Images from a Private Artifactory Registry

There are many benefits to working with JFrog Artifactory as your private Docker registry, allowing you to store, share and deploy your binary artifacts in a single source of truth. This blog post will focus on using Artifactory in Kubernetes. Specifically, we’ll walk through the steps for configuring Kubernetes to pull images from Artifactory and most importantly – scale up! It will also describe how you can enable cluster-wide authenticated access to Artifactory behind the scenes.

One Line Developer Experience - Terraform, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

As we kick off the new year and our release of Shipa 1.5.0, dabbling in the art of the possible, what if it was possible to provide your developers with a single line of configuration to get their ideas into production. Shipa is an application and policy abstraction layer which easily integrates with your DevOps toolchains.

Chaos & Order: Breaking and Fixing Things in K8s Environments With Komodor & Gremlin

You can’t build a CI/CD pipeline and support fast-paced development cycles without considering continuous reliability. On the one hand, this means being rehearsed and prepared for every scenario. On the other, this calls for a contingency plan for when (inevitably) something will go wrong. Join this live event and see how DevOps tools can help you plan for the best and prepare for the worst, as Julie from Gremlin injects chaos into the Bank of Anthos’ system and Rona from Komodor troubleshoots things back into order.

Faster troubleshooting of microservices, containers, and Kubernetes with Dynamic Packet Capture

Troubleshooting container connectivity issues and performance hotspots in Kubernetes clusters can be a frustrating exercise in a dynamic environment where hundreds, possibly thousands of pods are continually being created and destroyed.