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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

How To Use Buildpacks To Run Containers

The high demand to deliver software that is both highly available and able to meet customer requests has, in part, led to the adoption of microservice architecture, a software architecture pattern that makes it easier to deploy applications as self-contained entities called containers. These containers are nothing but processes that run as long as the application in them is running.

Monitor Kubernetes with Fairwinds Insights' offering in the Datadog Marketplace

Fairwinds Insights is Kubernetes governance and security software that enables DevOps teams to monitor and prevent configuration problems in their infrastructure and applications. Not only does Fairwinds simplify Kubernetes complexity, but it also reduces risk by surfacing security and reliability issues in your Kubernetes clusters.

Make Your Move to Multi-Cloud Kubernetes with VMware Tanzu

To meet Drax Group’s objective of a zero-carbon, lower-cost energy future, the company needed to change its technology architecture. Drax implemented VMware Tanzu Kubernetes and VMware Tanzu Mission Control to deploy and operate cloud native applications and manage their Kubernetes infrastructure. Learn more by watching their feature from VMworld 2021.

Harvester: A Modern Infrastructure for a Modern Platform

Cloud platforms are not new — they have been around for a few years. And containers have been around even longer. Together, they have changed the way we think about software. Since the creation of these technologies, we have focused on platforms and apps. And who could blame anyone? Containers and Kubernetes let us do things that were unheard of only a few years ago.

Automatically Manage DNS for Kubernetes with ExternalDNS and Tanzu Mission Control Catalog

If you have ever deployed Kubernetes services, you understand the pain of having to maintain DNS records for an ever-growing number of internal and external services. ExternalDNS helps address this pain and reduces the amount of toil required for manual record keeping by programmatically updating DNS servers. Before we get into the details of how that works, let’s quickly review what functionality the ExternalDNS package provides.

What's new in Sysdig - December 2021

Here we are with the final “What’s new in Sysdig” monthly newsletter of the year. First of all, Merry Christmas, メリークリスマス, Buon Natale, 성탄을 축하드려요, С рождеством!, Vrolijk kerstfeest, Feliz Navidad! Whatever you may be celebrating, we wish you a wonderful holiday season from all of us at Sysdig!

Stop Using Branches for Deploying to Different GitOps Environments

In our big guide for GitOps problems, we briefly explained (see points 3 and 4) how the current crop of GitOps tools don’t really cover the case of promotion between different environments or how even to model multi-cluster setups. The question of “How do I promote a release to the next environment?” is becoming increasingly popular among organizations that want to adopt GitOps.

Log4j and VMware Tanzu Application Service

This video goes into detail on how to perform application and platform mitigation of the Log4j CVEs using VMware Tanzu Application Service. Please note: This content is relevant as of 12/16/21 and could become outdated due to the ever-changing Log4j situation. Here are some additional resources regarding this vulnerability.