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The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.

What is Shadow IT? Will AI make this more challenging?

Shadow IT is a term used to describe IT systems, applications, or services that are used within an organization without the explicit approval, knowledge, or oversight of the IT department or the organization’s management. It typically arises when employees or departments adopt and use software, hardware, or cloud services for their specific needs without going through the official IT procurement or security processes.

OpenTelemetry Webinar: What is the OpenTelemetry API

The next in our series on OpenTelemetry fundamentals, this video is all about the #opentelemetry API, a part of the larger #cncf project to bring open standards to telemetry measuring, monitoring, and reporting. More about SigNoz: SigNoz - Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications, an open-source alternative to DataDog, New Relic, etc. Backed by Y Combinator.

Can you have a career in Node without knowing Observability?

”Isn’t Observability something for Ops to worry about?” I’ve heard this response more than once when talking about how developers should learn OpenTelemetry. I wanted to write this piece to show you how important and how easy it is to learn observability from day one as a coder.

Adding a CDN to a load balancer (for a much faster website)

Here at Raygun, we like to go fast. Really fast. That’s what we do! When we see something that isn’t zooming, we try to figure out how to make it go faster. So today, we’re answering a simple (and relevant) question; how do we make our public site, raygun.com, much, much faster? The answer, at first glance, is simple—we build it into a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Why You Need An Application Performance Monitoring Tool

As organisations strive to deliver seamless user experiences, maximise operational efficiency, and maintain a competitive edge, the need for comprehensive Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools becomes increasingly evident. APM tools offer invaluable insights into the performance and behaviour of applications in real-time. They go further than the conventional monitoring approach by providing a holistic view of the entire stack, encompassing servers, databases and user interactions.

Understanding OpenTelemetry Spans in Detail

Debugging errors in distributed systems can be a challenging task, as it involves tracing the flow of operations across numerous microservices. This complexity often leads to difficulties in pinpointing the root cause of performance issues or errors. OpenTelemetry provides instrumentation libraries in most programming languages for tracing.

Best Practises For Application Performance Monitoring

Application performance monitoring (APM) tools have become a fundamental part of many organisations that wish to track and observe the optimal functioning of their web-based applications. These tools serve to greatly simplify the process through automation and allow teams to effectively collaborate to maximize efficiency, enabling you to reach the root cause of an issue before it reaches your customers.

Using data collectors to compare a new feature

Leverage AppDynamics analytics to determine how a new feature introduced within an application proves to be an improvement or degradation. By creating and leveraging data collectors to look for a specific flag in a release, a new parameter or attribute, that indicates whether a feature is enabled, one can quickly gain insights as to whether there has been a performance improvement.