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ConnectWise PSA Integration

In this video, we will be reviewing the ConnectWise PSA integration along with it's benefits. We'll also walk you through the configuration process to quickly configure the integration. The ConnectWise PSA integration allows for tickets to be automatically created and closed upon Exoprise Alarms being triggered. With tickets being created in ConnectWise PSA, you can begin automatically assigning tickets based on the alarms triggered in Exoprise using workflow rules.

Digital Experience Monitoring for macOS

In this overview video, we'll be walking you through Service Watch Desktop for macOS. We'll cover the benefits of utilizing Service Watch for macOS and the configuration and deployment process. We'll then review the data being collected by Service Watch and some additional functionality in Active Tests, Device Groups, and Alarms.

Solve UC Problems Before They Cost Money

In this webinar, we discuss the high cost of UC&C application issues, and the impact these issues have on organizations. We'll be doing a deep dive of the amount of tickets organizations receive, the amount of time these tickets take to resolve, some real customer examples, the typical steps taken with and without Exoprise, and the ROI of real-user monitoring.

Monitoring and Diagnosing AVD

In this overview video, we'll be walking you through monitoring and diagnosing Azure Virtual Desktop utilizing CloudReady Synthetics and Service Watch. With a large number of organizations moving towards virtual desktops for end users, it is critical to have the right monitoring in place. Performance issues and outages can greatly impact the end user productivity and cause frustration due to a poor user experience.

ServiceNow Integration

In this video, we'll be covering the benefits of the ServiceNow integration. We'll also go through the configuration process allowing you to follow along and quickly configure this integration. The integration will allow you to automatically create and resolve incidents based off of alarms triggered in Exoprise. With incidents being sent to ServiceNow, you can begin automatically assigning incidents to the correct teams based off of criteria or automatically escalating issues that have not been addressed yet.

Troubleshooting Salesforce with Exoprise

In this tutorial video, we'll be walking you through troubleshooting end user experience issues with Salesforce utilizing Exoprise CloudReady Synthetics and Service Watch. With how Important salesforce is to organizations using it, it is critical to ensure its uptime and availability. Salesforce issues are extremely costly due to potential revenue loss, the cost of downtime for both customers and internal users, customer dissatisfaction, and many other impacts.

Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange and Outlook

In this tutorial video, we’ll be walking you through troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange and Outlook issues for end users, utilizing CloudReady Synthetics and Service Watch Desktop. Email is the lifeblood of most companies and any performance or accessibility issues with Exchange or Outlook are extremely impactful to end users. These issues can be extremely expensive to organizations whether it be the cost of downtime or the cost of time spent troubleshooting the issues.

Troubleshooting Microsoft SharePoint

In this tutorial video, we’ll be walking you through troubleshooting Microsoft SharePoint issues for end users, utilizing CloudReady Synthetics and Service Watch Desktop and Service Watch Browser. Any performance or accessibility issues with SharePoint are extremely impactful to end users. There is also the support cost to consider as most organizations using SharePoint heavily have dedicated app owners focusing solely on making sure SharePoint is working optimally.