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Supply Chain Monitoring with MetricFire

Business monitoring is a necessary process, no matter what. It is crucial in supply chain management, too. Monitoring your supply chain can ensure fresh products, speedy deliveries, and sustainable production. This article will explore supply chain monitoring, critical metrics for various supply chain use cases, and how to monitor your supply chain with MetricFire.

Version Control for Teams: Challenges and Solutions

The promise of version control for teams is enticing: better collaboration, more organized workflows, and easier tracking of changes – just to name a few. But, as with anything else, it’s not a perfect fix. Merge conflicts, inconsistent coding practices, and communication issues are just a few of the all-too-common hurdles that teams can face on their version control journey.

Mastering kubectl Scale Deployment: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers

Kubernetes has revolutionized how developers deploy, manage, and scale their applications. One of its key features is the ability to scale deployments seamlessly. This article explores various aspects of using the kubectl scale deployment command, including how to scale deployments up and down, scale all deployments in a namespace, managing replica sets, and more.

Server Management: Best Practices and Essential Tools

Server Management is a critical aspect of IT infrastructure. As enterprises increasingly rely on robust and reliable server systems to power their digital operations, the role of Server Management has become increasingly important for maintaining business productivity and preventing downtime. The article covers the basics of understanding and implementing effective Server Management practices.

Top AI Software Solutions for Different Business Needs

We know that artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. It has improved daily business processes across all sectors: teams can save time, avoid repetitive tasks, and achieve greater productivity overall with the help of AI software. AI software has changed how companies operate, make decisions, and interact with customers. This article explores various AI software solutions designed to meet diverse business needs.

Exploring Cloud Migration Strategies, Types, and Tools

The cloud has revolutionized business operations by enabling greater flexibility, scalability and cost efficiency. Companies can now rapidly adapt to changing market conditions, scale resources on demand, and reduce operational costs by eliminating the need for extensive on-premises hardware. You must implement cloud migration strategies to make certain the migration makes sense for your business, optimizes performance and enhances security.

What Is a Colocation Data Center?

Colocation data centers let you host your IT infrastructure in a managed, secure, offsite environment — an important consideration for organizations that want to ensure high availability, data security, and resiliency. This guide explains what colocation data centers are, the key features and benefits of colocation, and their role in modern IT infrastructure management (especially in the cloud era).

Reduce alert storms in your microservices architecture with easily scalable techniques

Alert storms occur when your monitoring platform generates excessive alerts simultaneously or in succession. Although numerous factors can cause an alert storm, microservices architectures are uniquely susceptible to them due to multiple service dependencies, potential failure points, and upstream and downstream service relationships.

Managing OTA and telemetry in always-connected fleets

If you’ve been reading my blogs for the past two years, you know that the automotive industry is probably the most innovative one today. As a matter of fact, some of the biggest company valuations revolve around electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving (AD) and artificial intelligence (AI). As with any revolution, this one comes with its set of challenges.