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Digital Wellbeing and the Overlapping Roles of HR and IT

Who oversees employee digital wellbeing? Nexthink’s Meg Donovan (Chief People Officer) and Tim Flower (Global Director of Business Transformation) recently sat down to answer this question on the minds of so many business leaders. Of course, Human Resources departments have traditionally shouldered the responsibility of managing employee wellbeing. But a recent Nexthink survey reveals that unreliable IT services and equipment is the third biggest contributor to employee turnover and burnout.

23 Minutes Lost: The Real Consequences of Digital Workplace Distractions

We’ve all been there: you’re dialed-in to a specific task, hyper-focused on completing it… and then some minor distraction pulls you away. An email notification chimes, a coworker asks you a simple question, an angry driver wails on his horn outside your window – and when you return to the task at hand, you realize that tunnel-vision focus you just had is now lost.

Proximity Bias is a Serious Concern for Young Workers - How Can You Avoid It?

We’ve all experienced a bit of FOMO at one time or another, whether we stayed home sick the night of a party or failed to score tickets to a big concert. It stings to miss out on the fun, but we get over it. In the era of remote work, however, ‘fear of missing out’ has taken on a more consequential meaning – one that is troubling the minds of many young professionals.

The World After Covid-19: How Jobs, Bosses, & Firms May Improve

In 1993 the management guru Peter Drucker argued that “commuting to office work is obsolete.” As of last year, his vision hadn’t quite come true: nearly half of global companies in one survey still prohibited remote working. Then the pandemic hit. Suddenly millions of people started doing their jobs from home. Work will never be the same.

5 Sustainable IT Practices for Your SaaS Applications

With web browser-accessed applications reaching record levels, employees are now spending most of their productive work time inside a cavern of business web applications. These may be custom applications built by a company for specific business purposes, or commercial SaaS applications for important functions such as collaboration, workflow management, scheduling, communication, transactional business, single sign-on, development, service desk, CRM, HR, and others.

Is Anyone Reading Your Company Comms? How This IT Channel Received +2214% More Views Than Email

An A/B test reveals Nexthink Engage gets 2,214% more views than email. When a company gets big news, they want to share that success with employees and make sure they understand what this information means for the business. Case in point: Recently, a Nexthink customer and leading life sciences company, received FDA approval – a huge milestone for them that would surely amplify the company’s brand and with it, new sales and marketing demands.

Is 'Change Fatigue' Crippling Today's Digital Workforce?

When it comes to workplace innovation, many forward-thinking businesses follow a simple mantra: “Change before you have to.” They pursue organizational or technological changes in order to stay ahead, rather than catch up – and they rely on their employees to adapt quickly to the new standards and structures they put in place. The pandemic threw a wrench into that neat and tidy outlook on innovation. Businesses had to change.

The Chip Supply Conundrum Continues with No End in Sight

As the semiconductor chip shortage drags on, allegations and concerns continue to surface about chip stockpiling. The Biden administration continues to face resistance from lawmakers and executives in Taiwan and South Korea, further complicating efforts to resolve bottlenecks in the global chip supply that continues to plague industries from automobiles to consumer electronics.