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Greater Expectations: How the Smartphone Put Employees in Charge

The first time I was introduced to a real, proper PC was in the early 90’s: my uncle’s work PC, which I used instead to play games. In fact, my first experience with any kind of tech support service was when I phoned the Codemasters help line after getting stuck on a particularly knotty puzzle in the game ‘Dizzy’. No matter how loudly I shouted into the phone, the machine continued to route me back to the beginning of its automated script.

Mean Time to Innocence: Avoiding the Blame Game with Desktop Virtualization

Mean time to innocence (MTTI) is a term used by IT teams to prove that their respective domain is not the source of a particular issue. In other words, it’s a fancy term to avoid blame when something goes wrong. Each team has its own domain-specific tools to prove the issue is not their fault. With respect to desktop virtualization, here are just some of the domains that are relevant when diagnosing issues.

Green IT and DEX: Impactful Change Through Employee Experience.

The fast-paced adoption of digital workplace technologies provides fantastic opportunities to improve digital employee experience (DEX). But it comes at a cost. Digital technology has a serious—and increasing—impact on our environment, with a carbon footprint of about 4% of global carbon emission (that’s more than the aviation industry’s 2.5% contribution).

5 Best IT Experience Practices Your Team Can Make Today

If you were to put 100 enterprise tech leaders in a room together and ask them if they think their company’s employee experience is dependent upon IT, I’m certain all would agree it is. But I’m also certain those 100 wouldn’t know: For IT decision-makers, the devil is in the details. Many are judged by uncompromising Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and shoddy survey data, not comprehensive digital experience trends and indexes.

Smarter CPU Testing - How to Benchmark Kaby Lake & Haswell Memory Latency

Modern CPUs are complex beasts with billions of transistors. This complexity in hardware brings indeterminacy even in simple software algorithms. Let’s benchmark a simple list traversal. Does the average node access latency correspond to say, a CPU cache latency? Let’s test it! Here we benchmark access latency for lists with a different number of nodes. All the lists are contiguous in memory, traversed sequentially, and have a 4 KB padding between the next pointers.

The "Rigged Lottery" - Why IT Surveys Hold EUC Leaders Back

This article originally appeared in VentureBeat. “I feel like my job performance is based on a rigged lottery.” That’s what the Director of End User Computing at a large European bank told me two weeks ago. Every quarter, her company runs an NPS-style survey asking employees about their IT Experience. If you work in a corporate setting, you’ve probably seen these questionnaires before.

How Windows 11 Could Impact User Experience

If you’ve been following recent tech news, you’ll know that Windows 11 is one of the hottest topics right now. Most of the conversation has been focused on users of the Home version, as Microsoft tries to get the average consumer excited with hot new features and a fresh look. But what about enterprise users who won’t have a choice in whether they upgrade or not? How are they going to feel about Windows 11?

Extracting Value with Experience Data: A Nonprofit's Story

Leading an IT team often involves a careful balancing act between two priorities. On one hand, IT leaders must have an eye for innovation in order to keep up with rapidly changing environments. Meanwhile, there’s the constant pressure to reduce technological costs and ensure that IT is driving real value for the business. Within a nonprofit organization, managing these two priorities becomes an even more delicate process.