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How to Enhance Your ServiceNow Investment with Nexthink

In describing why Nexthink is a critical partner in their value-offering Morten Grønneb?k, Chief Commercial Officer at BusinessNow, said “What we were experiencing as a consultancy company was that SLAs might be green out there, but your customers or end-users’ satisfaction was often red.” Indeed, prior to Nexthink, BusinessNow was increasingly faced with a major issue: clients’ IT departments were blind to IT issues at the end-user level, although data centers seemed oper

How to Bring Light into the Darkest Corners of the Enterprise

In today’s fast-paced working environment, employees tend to rely less and less on IT departments. The use of workplace technology has never before been this accessible and essential and employees are increasingly confident that they can work independently from IT to decide on their own external tools and solutions.

The Seven Digital Sins Of IT-Business Disconnect

There’s a disconnect between business leaders and IT. As noted by a 2017 Forrester study conducted on behalf of Nexthink, just 36% of business users “think IT is aligned with the needs of the business,” even though technology services are now embedded into every aspect of enterprise culture, from mobile device use to wifi access to cloud computing.

Where Context is King: Beyond Utilization in Asset Management

Organizations need better network oversight. According to Information Week, recent data predicts “wasted” cloud spending on services and applications that aren’t fully utilized will reach $21 billion by 2021, while CIO points to Gartner research that suggests 30 to 40 percent of IT spending in large enterprises is actually funding shadow IT.