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THWACK Livecast Series - Session 1: Keeping Your ISP Honest and Troubleshooting SaaS Applications

During this THWACK® Livecast series, we'll highlight SolarWinds network management tools designed to help IT professionals navigate increasing complexity with easy-to-use unified solutions. At SolarWinds, we create solutions to help users develop better team collaboration to tackle complex issues and reduce mean time to resolution. Using interconnected modules, users can troubleshoot network connectivity issues across the entire delivery chain, hybrid environments, advanced devices, and applications.

Datadog On Agent Integration Development

To make sure that customers are getting the most out of the platform in the least amount of time, Datadog maintains more than 400 built-in integrations. These integrations collect metrics, events, and logs from a diverse set of sources: databases, source control, bug tracking tools, cloud providers, automation tools, and more. How do we make sure that all those integrations are properly tested, updated for new features, and delivered to millions of hosts?

Bits of Security, Security Panel

Have a question you’ve been wanting to ask about security at scale, supply chain, or managing great security teams? Join our speakers, industry experts, and Datadog’s very own CISO for an AMA on the “Art of Defense.” We’ll explore all of the topics from the conference speaking sessions and open the door to questions on what we may see from attack and defense in 2021 and beyond.

Bits of Security

The past year introduced a plethora of challenges for security practitioners. While the range of cyber attacks has been vast, these attacks have been confronted with creative defense tactics and techniques. Join Datadog for a practitioner-focused event where we will examine the “Art of Defense,” which will include a range of topics from social problems to engineering challenges around supply chain attacks.

10x development speed with local serverless debugging

Serverless is great but a lot of it is in the cloud and in all these different services. Oftentimes we hear serverless developers struggle with debugging serverless locally in order to iterate fast. Without an effective debugging setup, they are left frustrated with slowed development cycle time and decreased operational efficiency. In this 45-minute hands-on webinar, we'll be discussing how to debug serverless locally to really speed up your development cycle.