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Top Eight Fonts To Use In Logo Design

When it comes to making or breaking your logo design, your choice of logo fonts plays a massive role. Selecting the right typography can amplify the impact of your logo and tell your brand story to the target audience. The wrong font can nullify your logo's effect on whoever sees it. Since there are thousands of fonts, it might be overwhelming to select the right one. Moreover, it would be good for you to use a font manager to quickly remove or add fonts according to the needs of your logo design.

Why Your Business Needs To Embrace Automation

Automation is a word that can cause some discomfort in the business world. There have been concerns that automation will lead to job losses and distress workers, but actually, automation can be used to help employees, and the two can co-exist in the workplace in peace. The technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent times, and now there are many different tasks and processes that can be automated with online tools, software, or equipment. Automation can bring a wide range of benefits to your business, so keep reading to discover why this should be something that is embraced.

How to Improve Your Digital Workplace

Over the past couple of years, the workplace has gone digital. Yep, that's right: millions of employees now work from home through their computers and other devices. In addition to this, employees that have remained in the office are also highly reliant on digital tools. Unless there's a giant earthquake that wipes out the world's internet servers, it's safe to safe that the digital workplace is here to stay - and it's something you should be very excited about (especially if you're a business owner).
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Follow the engineer: what DevOps teams can teach businesses about agility and efficiency

The pandemic threw out the rulebook on work. And we're still slowly writing a new one. Over the past year and a half, companies have been forced to rethink their processes to accommodate lockdown restrictions and the seismic shift in work they triggered. Remote working rendered old systems obsolete and companies are figuring out how to adapt them.

How To Uncover Personalization Opportunities Using Data Analytics

There's a lot of information and details which you can find about your website with the use of data analytics. Your website is like the virtual equivalent of a physical store. People come and go. Some of them buy, while some just look around. If you have a surveillance camera in your store, you'd have a record of who came in, what they did, and with the help of the receipts, what they bought.

Top Tech to Improve Your Mass Manufacturing

Taking your spark of an idea and transforming it into the perfect product is a huge achievement for anyone, but to monetize your efforts to the best of your ability, learning how to mass manufacture (while retaining quality) is key. Thankfully, there are some top tech tools to help you with this; from timeless factory floor classics to advanced AI and management software, there are plenty of roads to explore in today's manufacturing landscape. If you need a nudge in the right direction, here are some great examples worth thinking about adding to your inventory.

Controlled Unclassified Information: Top 4 Management Tips

In 2010, the United States government mandated an order to safeguard sensitive information it created or owned. Unlike classified information which can be accessed by only a few key people, unclassified information can be accessed by many governmental and non-governmental bodies. Therefore, this information can't be termed as classified, but it still requires controlled access and dissemination due to its sensitive nature. Hence the name, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

3 Ways To Prevent Cyber Security Threats When Marketing Online

No matter what type of business you operate, cyberattacks can be destructive to your company. Even though you think your Information Technology (IT) team should be handling any cybersecurity issues, it doesn't have to always go that way. All the departments should take a proactive role in safeguarding the privacy of your business.

Understanding Alamofire Swift and Why is it So Powerful for iOS Development

The Alamofire Swift library is an open-source networking framework that has been designed to add the functionality of networking to iOS and macOS apps, being compatible with both. It can be used in both open source and commercial projects, and it is also the result of an international collaboration between people who are passionate about Swift. The main goal of this library is to reduce the amount of time and code that developers need in order to create networking applications.