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Linux Mint vs Ubuntu: Who will win?

Linux is an open-sourced operating system for computers, smartphones, servers, mainframes, and embedded devices. The main advantage of Linux over other operating systems is that Linux is an open-source operating system, which means that you can view, edit, customize, enhance, and share the code with anyone. The release of Linux garnered a huge community of contributors that created a variety of features and distributions for users at no added cost.

What is Kubernetes Lens?

As a DevOps Engineer, one day you’re performing magic in the terminal, settling clusters, and feeling like a god. On some other days, you feel like a total fraud and scam. Errors and bugs appear from everywhere, you don’t know where to start, and you don’t know where to look. Sadly, days like this come far too often. To be more specific, what often causes these bad days is none other than Kubernetes itself.

Developers Can Now Debug Running Nomad-Orchestrated Applications Using Lightrun

In basically every modern software organization, building software is not just a matter of writing code – it’s a matter of testing it to ensure it works properly, a matter of creating artifacts out of it that can be used by the end customers, and a matter of deploying them to a customer-accessible location for these customers to be able to actually use it.

The Complete List of Spring Boot Annotations You Must Know

Spring Boot is the most popular Java framework, with over 50 percent of developers using it. Java engineers working in the spring framework can deploy web applications quickly, without the need for a separate server. Spring focuses on speed, simplicity, and productivity. It uses Inversion of Control, or IoC, and dependency injection to increase modularity and enable loose coupling. Spring Boot builds off of the spring framework.

How to Perform Python Remote Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying, analyzing and removing errors in the software. It is a process that can start at any stage of the software development, even as early as the software has been written. Sometimes, remote debugging is necessary. In the simplest terms, remote debugging is debugging an application running in a remote environment like production and staging.

Node.js Security and Observability using Lightrun & Snyk

As developers, we spend a lot of time in our IDEs writing new code, refactoring code, adding tests, fixing bugs and more. And in recent years, IDEs have become powerful tools, helping us developers with anything from interacting with HTTP requests to generally boosting our productivity. So you have to ask — what if we could also prevent security issues in our code before we ship it?

The Essential Guide to Kubernetes Service Discovery

A fundamental element of the Kubernetes microservices system is the services model, which gives teams greater understanding of how their applications are deployed. These objects running within pods and containers, by extension, are RESTful since they’re based on APIs. However, DevOps teams can’t hope to run a tight ship without managing their services. Communication and visibility are absolutely crucial in a Kubernetes system.

Full-cycle observability with the Elastic Stack and Lightrun

An application running in production is a difficult beast to tame. Most experienced developers–ones who spent enough late nights or Saturday mornings trying to break apart a nasty production bug–will try and create the clearest possible picture for their later selves while writing their code, so that they could understand what’s actually going on in the system during an incident.