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Kubernetes, Data Science, and Machine Learning

Enabling support for data processing, data analytics, and machine learning workloads in Kubernetes has been one of the goals of the open source community. During this meetup we’ll discuss the growing use of Kubernetes for data science and machine learning workloads. We’ll examine how new Kubernetes extensibility features such as custom resources and custom controllers are used for applications and frameworks integration. Apache Spark 2.3.’s native support is the latest indication of this growing trend. We’ll demo a few examples of data science workloads running on Kubernetes clusters setup by our Kublr platform.

Using AI analytics to detect real-time application issues

Anodot’s Solutions Engineer and AI specialist, Steven Kirkpatrick, presents how leading gaming companies are leveraging the powerful anomaly detection capabilities of Anodot’s AI Analytics to proactively address business incidents in real time, minimizing revenue loss and identifying opportunities.