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Proactively Monitor your Website Experience Globally - An Overview

Proactively monitor the uptime and performance of your IPv4/IPv6 enabled websites from more than 80 locations globally. Make use of the advanced monitoring tools we offer such as DNS Monitor, Webpage Speed Monitor, SSL Certificate Monitor, and checking errors on the website using Website Defacement monitor.

Sysdig Secure Product Overview

We’re excited to announce the newest member of the Sysdig family: Sysdig Secure. It’s designed to provide container run-time security & forensics for enterprises with distributed, dynamic services. As with everything we do, Secure comes with deep container visibility and a natural integration with key orchestration technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, OpenShift, Amazon ECS…. and well, just about everything else that’s important these days.

Solr on Docker: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This talk was given during Lucene Revolution 2017 and has two goals: first, to discuss the tradeoffs for running Solr on Docker. For example, you get dynamic allocation of operating system caches, but you also get some CPU overhead. We'll keep in mind that Solr nodes tend to be different than your average container: Solr is usually long running, takes quite some RSS and a lot of virtual memory. This will imply, for example, that it makes more sense to use Docker on big physical boxes than on configurable-size VMs (like Amazon EC2).

Solr: Optimize Is Not Bad For You Deep Dive Into The Segment Merge Abyss

They say optimize is bad for you, they say you shouldn't do it, they say it will invalidate operating system caches and make your system suffer. This is all true, but is it true in all cases? In this presentation we will look closer on what optimize or better called force merge does to your Solr search engine. You will learn what segments are, how they are built and how they are used by Lucene and Solr for searching.

Goliath Application Availability Monitor for Hospitals using Allscripts

The Goliath Application Availability Monitor for hospitals using Allscripts EHR software is an early warning system for EHR/EMR IT professionals, alerting you of logon issues related to Allscripts EMR and Allscripts EHR applications before your clinicians reach the hospital.

Goliath Application Availability Monitor for Hospitals using MEDITECH

The Goliath Application Availability Monitor for hospitals using MEDITECH software is an early warning system for EHR/EMR IT professionals, alerting you of logon issues related to MEDITECH EMR and MEDITECH EHR applications before your clinicians reach the hospital.

Goliath Application Availability Monitor for Hospitals using Epic

The Goliath Application Availability Monitor for hospitals using Epic is a proactive early warning system for healthcare IT professionals. It runs automatically and alerts you to access and user issues with Epic and other applications before clincians or physicians are impacted.