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DNS Monitoring 101: Verify DNS Mapping

This Tip of the Day is the first in a three-part series on Domain Name System (DNS) monitoring. The Domain Name System is often described as “the phonebook of the Internet.” While humans access the Internet via domain names such as npr.org or bbc.com, web browsers interact via Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so that browsers know which Internet resources to load.

API Management Trends 2020

APIs revolutionized the digital landscape by introducing a new level of programming flexibility and ease of integration. Organizations turned to APIs to push innovation and creating an API economy. It was a key driver in the eCommerce industry, businesses like eBay leveraged APIs to generate additional revenue. eBay introduced APIs twenty years ago providing developers a platform to build applications that improved businesses. Today, eBay’s APIs generate over a billion dollars in business.

Accelerate Observability with Catchpoint and Wavefront

Web applications have evolved from static pages with minimal user interaction to a dynamic intuitive interface that delivers advanced functionality. the complex architecture of these applications makes it necessary to monitor and maintain application health, performance, and end-user experience. Catchpoint’s monitoring platform provides all the tools you need to track application performance.

Monitoring User Sentiment

In this Tip of the Day installment, we look at Catchpoint’s latest telemetry point: user sentiment. Last month, we announced this new kid on the block to the Catchpoint platform. During the mid-summer timeframe, we’ll be offering our commercial customers the ability to collect and analyze user sentiment alongside Synthetic, Network, Endpoint and RUM data.

Benchmarking End User Experience with Web Vitals

Most business verticals are now digitized. Consumers prefer online shopping, rather than going to a store. Within a few clicks, you can purchase any item of your choice and get it delivered to your doorstep. One of the key reasons for online businesses gaining popularity is their time-saving nature. So, the main goal of any website should be to deliver the best end-user experience.

Monitoring APIs for Better Performance

In this week’s Tip Tuesday, we are focusing on API monitoring. APIs are a set of rules or standards, which extend the functionality of an application, allowing different applications and/or programs to interact. These little helpers are built with flexibility and ease of integration in mind. APIs simplify programming, allowing developers to build complex applications without having to worry about usability.

Building an Effective Alert Strategy

Alerts are an essential part of performance monitoring. Alerts and notifications need to be sent out as soon as an issue is identified, allowing you to know about any problems before your customers do. In this week’s Tip Tuesday, we look at building an effective alert strategy and how to utilize Catchpoint Alerts so that you can quickly and effectively leverage the information provided to take carefully targeted action and improve your MTTR. Building an effective alert strategy is important.

Three Ways to Improve Service Reliability

The move to a more hybrid and distributed application architecture has pushed cloud providers to offer higher availability. Availability has become the key differentiator among competitors. The focus on offering higher and higher availability comes at the cost of other vital performance factors such as service reliability. This blog discusses some of the important takeaways from our recent on-demand webcast on improving service reliability.