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DNS Monitoring 101 - How to Guard Against DNS Attacks

Today’s Tip of the Day is the second in a three-part series on Domain Name System (DNS) monitoring. In the first, we looked at how the application delivery chain works and the way in which many companies outsource their DNS to third parties with a global presence in order to reduce latency. The connected tip was focused on ensuring users are served by the correct DNS server.

Maintaining Employee Experience with G Suite Monitoring

Today, we are excited to share the first in a series of Employee Experience (EX) focused eBooks, helping you understand how Catchpoint can be used to ensure you get the best digital performance for your employees. In this eBook, we focus on five use cases, demonstrating through examples, how to best utilize digital experience monitoring for G Suite.

What Observability Means to Digital Experience Monitoring

It would not be wrong to say that Observability is the new buzz word for the last couple of years at least and often we find organizations burden themselves with questions like – The answer to these questions lies in understanding the concept of Observability and how it ties in with the digital experience monitoring strategy of your organization and only then can you determine where you stand in terms of Observability.

SRE Report 2020 - Balancing 'Dev' and 'Ops'

We recently released Catchpoint’s SRE Report 2020 that analyzed results from the SRE survey we conducted early this year along with a recent addendum survey. The report offers a detailed look at the current state of SRE and how the shift to an all-remote work environment has impacted SRE teams. In this blog, we take a deeper look at one of the report highlights – ‘Heavy Ops Workload Comes at a Cost’.

4 ways to use Catchpoint to drive remote workforce productivity

IT professionals are now adapting to a remote environment and learning to manage a distributed, homebound workforce. From a technical standpoint, the process of setting up a remote workforce is well-known. For this blog post let’s dive into one step of the process, which is arguably the most important, user experience monitoring.

The Need for 'Real ISP' Visibility in your DEM Strategy

Recently, one of my buddies moved to a new apartment. As an extreme binge-watcher, he tried all different combinations for positioning his 65-inch 4K TV and leather recliner in almost every single sq. ft of the living room. The only flexibility he did not have was in choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for his new house. As a backend dev professional, it did not even matter to him as long as he was getting a 150Mbps internet connection.

Digital Experience Monitoring for Remote Teams - Featuring Insights from Forrester

IT teams face many visibility challenges due to the massive shift to remote work due to the Coronavirus outbreak. This includes the variability of home network environments, reliance on SaaS and cloud applications, the unpredictability of Internet transport, and higher congestion than ever before. How do you overcome these monitoring challenges?

Release Update - Yosemite

In today’s Tip of the Day, I’ll be going over what’s new in our latest release “Yosemite”, named after Yosemite Falls, located in California’s Yosemite National Park. We periodically roll out our GUI updates, not, as we’ll see in today’s video, just to apply a fresh coat of paint, but to re-engineer the entire frontend and backend – allowing our users to enjoy a totally integrated monitoring platform.

Catchpoint's SRE Report 2020 - The Highlights

Our 2020 SRE Report is ready! We launched the SRE survey 2020 this January with the goal of understanding the current state of SRE. The survey covered a range of topics including: As we neared the end of the survey period, the SRE community was in the midst of a sudden change. SRE teams were forced to migrate to all-remote IT. We realized we would not be able to provide an accurate analysis without considering this shift in how SRE teams were operating in this new environment.

DNS Monitoring 101: Verify DNS Mapping

This Tip of the Day is the first in a three-part series on Domain Name System (DNS) monitoring. The Domain Name System is often described as “the phonebook of the Internet.” While humans access the Internet via domain names such as npr.org or bbc.com, web browsers interact via Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so that browsers know which Internet resources to load.