Mattermost 5.4: User-focused features, new data export tool, mobile enhancements and more
Mattermost 5.4 includes new features designed to increase team productivity.
Mattermost 5.4 includes new features designed to increase team productivity.
At Atlassian, we’re big believers in open work. We’ve seen how our teams and our customers’ teams achieve more when collaboration and communication are at the foundation of everything they do. We know that having the right set of integrated tools is critical to moving work forward.
With an almost 20-year career in social services—including working in institutions such as The University of Chicago, the United States Peace Corps, Chicago public schools, Child Protective Services, the Catholic Church, and for the U.S. federal government in probation and parole programs—my leap into Silicon Valley was as much a culture shock as the 2.5 years I lived in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador.
Nowadays, all businesses are connected online with one another. Online interactions are the order of the day as even business deals are often finalized over chat room conversations. Online chats are often jumbled up and this is where the role of online tool “” comes into play. The tool works towards making chatroom interactions better and more fruitful.
Here’s the next installment in our Mattermost Recipes series. The goal of these posts is to provide you with solutions to specific problems, as well as a discussion about the details of the solution and some tips about how to customize it to suit your needs perfectly.
Mattermost 5.3 has several new features that will help your team get more done in less time.