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February 2023

What is IoT Device Management?

IoT devices are exponentially growing in number each year, with an anticipated 14.4 billion IoT devices by the end of 2023 up to 27 billion IoT devices by the year 2025. The accelerated growth can be attributed to a variety of positive effects like increased efficiency, productivity, and convenience. However, in order to gain these benefits, these IoT devices need to be managed effectively.

5 Common IoT Security Challenges to Be Aware Of

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, transforming the way we live and work, it should be expected that there will be various security challenges to battle. This means that as a business owner, you should be ready to secure your devices and connections. Statista reports that there are currently 15.14 billion IoT-connected devices worldwide.

A Guide to Using ARM Stack Limit Registers

Stack overflows have notoriously plagued the development processes. They often can go undetected and can present themselves in obscure ways. We have implemented software mechanisms to protect against them, but these have limitations and still don’t protect against all conditions. With the maturity of the ARM architecture, wouldn’t it be better to have a fool-proof mechanism for detecting overflows?

IoT Management with JFrog Connect (5-Minute Demo)

JFrog Connect is a modern Linux-first IoT platform designed to efficiently monitor, manage and update edge and IoT devices at scale. You can quickly register thousands of devices, organize them into logical groups, automate software updates for entire device fleets, and leverage secure tools to remotely troubleshoot devices from the comfort of your laptop.

How to Monitor, Debug, and Update Infineon Devices with Memfault's IoT Reliability Platform

Developing secure, low-power feature-rich IoT products is a highly complex process for most developers. Memfault has partnered with Infineon to help developers working on Infineon ARM-based microprocessors alleviate this pain with Memfault’s IoT reliability platform. During the webinar, you learn how Infineon PSoC™ 6 developers can utilize Memfault's platform to understand how embedded devices are working, why they aren't working, and the impacts of device updates.