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Antuit.ai: Inside Walgreens' Demand Planning Solution

In the ever-competitive drugstore space, Walgreens knows challenging the status quo is essential to continue providing excellent shopping experiences for an average of 8 million customers every day—and retain 95 million loyalty club members. Moving beyond outmoded direct marketing and price promotions, they’ve turned to antuit.ai AI-powered demand planning solutions to reimagine inventory, finance, and replenishment across 9,000 store locations and walgreens.com.

Customer Experience First, but an Eye on the Bottom Line in 2023 - Empower Conversations

Frank Colletti, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales at N-able and Jeff Nulsen, Chief Marketing Officer at N-able, sit down at #empower2022 to talk about why now is the time to own the cloud, how to keep an eye on the bottom line while still focusing on customer experience, and why it's 'tell, don't sell' when it comes to cybersecurity.

Unlocking Your Full Potential with N-hanced Services - Empower 2022 Conversation

Leo Sanchez, Vice President of Partner Success, Support & Services at N-able and Alejandro Lizardo, Senior Manager, Customer Success at N-able sit down at #Empower2022 to discuss how to leverage all that N-able has to offer to Own the Cloud and grow your business in 2023.