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8 Tips To Improve Working From Home

Most of us here at BugSplat spend the majority of our day at our computer. If you are reading this post, there's a good chance that you probably do too. And, like us, you probably expect that computers are just supposed to work for you. However, in my experience, this close relationship we share with our machines just expands the realm of possible annoyances we encounter day-in and day-out.

Customizing the UE4 Crash Report Client

Crash Report Client is an Unreal Engine tool that allows developers to capture C++ crash reports from supported platforms. At crash time, a dialog is shown to the user so that they may add comments or replication steps to the details of the report. Once the crash report is submitted, it’s pushed to one of Epic’s servers so that developers can review the crash and fix the underlying issue. Often, the crash is a result of code that wasn’t written by Epic.

Get EQU8 and BugSplat free for your online multiplayer game

There's a lot to consider when building a game, but one thing that a team shouldn't have to worry about is expensive and difficult to maintain tools. That's why BugSplat and EQU8 have partnered to offer a pre-release package to aid in the development and launch of new games. Through this partnership, studios building a new game get access to a package of world-class bug reporting and anti-cheat tools for free.

Get BugSplat Alerts in Discord

Connecting your Discord account with BugSplat allows your team to get alerted to new crashes without leaving Discord. You can now link your Discord and BugSplat accounts to receive crash alerts directly in Discord. For those who do not know, Discord is a powerful communication tool that lets teams collaborate over voice, video, screen-sharing, or text. It's also pretty darn popular with gamers.

How Often Do You Need to Clean Your Keyboard?

For many of us, our computer is the central touchpoint of our working lives We spend hours each day typing away as we work, bringing back everything we've touched while grabbing a snack, running to the bathroom, working out at lunch, or taking a break with some coworkers. Everything you touch in a day—it all ends up back on your keyboard. As a result, your keyboard is likely one of the dirtiest things you touch all day. So, just how dirty is your keyboard?

Assembla Integration

BugSplat is pleased to announce our integration with Assembla, a popular project and program management tool. This integration allows user to create defects directly from crash reports or Stack Keys in Assembla. Hyperlinks allow quick navigation from defects to crash reports and back. Defects created from BugSplat automatically include symbolic call stack information as well as other crash-specific data that can help your team crush bugs faster. Get more information on this integration in our docs.

Local Variables and Function Arguments for Native Crash Reports

BugSplat now includes local variables and function arguments for our Windows Native, Unity, and Unreal C++ integrations. By including local variables and function arguments, we can provide another level of contextual information about the cause of your crash. This new feature may help reduce or eliminate the need to debug a crash report on your local development machine.

Incorporating Crash Data Into Your Workflow

Crash reporting can alter the balance between support and development, and swing it in your favor! Sure "literally" is an overused term. But, I think it’s fair to say that “LITERALLY” nobody likes it when software crashes. Users don’t like it when the software they love using breaks. They’re left wondering what happened and how long will it be until there’s a fix.