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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

A Path to Legacy Application Modernization Through Kubernetes

Modern application deployments rely heavily on containerization for its scalability, availability and ease of maintenance. Legacy applications implemented before the containerization era often use monolithic, hardware-centric architectures that are difficult to scale and manage. These legacy applications may have multiple services bundled into the same deployment unit without a logical grouping.

Q2 2022 product retrospective - Last quarter's top features

The second quarter is now over and after the start of our V3 at the beginning of this quarter we are super happy to announce that it’s now out in Alpha but there is so much more to speak about so without further due, let me show you all the great things we achieve during the past quarter 🚀

It's Time for a Straight-Forward Pricing Model

Today, we’re excited to announce the release of Cycle’s new pricing model! With this new model, we aim to make our pricing far more straightforward and better suited for larger deployments and customers. While our current pricing model solved the needs of our customers for the last few years, we’ve learned enough that it’s now time to make a change. Before talking about the new model, let’s dive into how we got here.

Civo Update - July 2022

In June, we hosted our online meetup with ContainIQ surrounding k8s monitoring and observability. You can catch up on the discussion between Matthew Lenhard (Co-founder & CTO of ContainIQ) and Kai Hoffman (Developer Advocate at Civo) here if you missed it. Meanwhile, Kamesh Sampath from our Developer Advocate demo program explains how Civo’s speed and developer experience is great to work with in our latest Civo Shorts.

Using Argo CD and Kustomize for ConfigMap Rollouts

Kubernetes offers a way to store configuration files and manage them via a ConfigMap. Functionally, they seem very similar to Kubernetes Secrets, where both constructs are used to store information that can be used in a Pod. This information could be usernames and passwords of a connection string to a database.

How to monitor nginx in Kubernetes with Prometheus

nginx is an open source web server often used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and web cache. Designed for high loads of concurrent connections, it’s fast, versatile, reliable, and most importantly, very light on resources. In this article, you’ll learn how to monitor nginx in Kubernetes with Prometheus, and also how to troubleshoot different issues related to latency, saturation, etc.

BYOCNI: Introducing Calico CNI for Azure AKS

Cloud-native applications running on Kubernetes rely on container network plugins to establish workload communication. While Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) provides several supported networking options (kubenet and Azure CNI) that address the needs of most deployments, Microsoft recently introduced the ability to bring your own networking solution, called BYOCNI, to help users address more advanced networking requirements. This new feature enables AKS customers to run Calico networking on AKS.