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Add accessibility checks to your Playwright end-to-end tests

Join us in today's video as we dive into the world of web accessibility testing with "axe-core". "axe-core" is used in Google Chrome's lighthouse and is quickly integrated in your Playwright end-to-end tests. We'll integrate "axe-core/playwright", detect accessibility issues, attach these to test reports and even integrate accessibility checks in Checkly's synthetic monitoring thanks to a new beta runtime.

Running Your Playwright Tests in Parallel or in Sequence

Playwright offers robust capabilities for automating browser tests. A common question among developers, however, revolves around the best practices for structuring Playwright projects, especially when tests involve significant environment changes, resource creation, or database updates. This blog post describes strategies for running Playwright tests either in parallel or in sequence, optimizing your testing workflow for efficiency and reliability.

Improve Your Playwright Documentation with Steps

When you’re implementing automated testing, clarity and maintainability of test scripts are as crucial as the tests themselves. Playwright offers a feature that enhances the readability and ease of debugging of your tests: test steps. This article explores how to use test steps in Playwright to document your test cases effectively.

Integrating OpenTelemetry Instrumentation with FastAPI

What do we gain when we integrate OpenTelemetry with FastAPI? Integrating OpenTelemetry with FastAPI offers many benefits that greatly improve the observability and monitoring capabilities of applications built on this high-performance web framework. By integrating OpenTelemetry's instrumentation capabilities into FastAPI projects, you can understand your applications' inner workings, enabling them to monitor, analyze, and optimize performance.

Integrating Accessibility Checks in Playwright Tests with Checkly

Ensuring your web application is accessible is not just about compliance; it's about inclusivity. Tools like Google Chrome's Lighthouse provide a starting point for accessibility checks. but integrating these checks into your development workflow can significantly enhance the quality of your product. This post explores how to perform automated accessibility checks using Playwright and Checkly, leveraging the power of the axe-core library.

New in Playwright: detect and close unpredictable overlays with "addLocatorHandler"

Discover the latest feature of Playwright 1.42 — `page.addLocatorHandler`. If you're tired of randomly appearing cookie banners breaking your end-to-end tests or want to automatically close all these intercom widgets, this method is right up your alley. With `addLocatorHandler`, handling elements that randomly pop up becomes a breeze! In the video, we'll show you how the new Playwright method works in practice and why it makes end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring so much easier.

What is an API Gateway

When people bemoan the complexity of interconnected IT environments, they usually mean that an organization has a lot of applications that all share data with each other. As your organization adds more applications, you need to make sure that they securely share data with each other. In short, security and development teams find themselves working to deploy and protect the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that enable applications to talk to each other.