Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Diving Deeper into the Rabbit Hole with Alice - Logz.io's Slack Bot

The adoption of ChatOps — i.e. connecting an organization’s software delivery cycle and day to day operations to chat channels — has grown over the past few years. Facilitating cross-team communication and collaboration, Slack has become the most popular tool for implementing ChatOps-driven work practices.

Diving Deeper into the Rabbit Hole with Alice — Logz.io’s Slack Bot

The adoption of ChatOps — i.e. connecting an organization’s software delivery cycle and day to day operations to chat channels — has grown over the past few years. Facilitating cross-team communication and collaboration, Slack has become the most popular tool for implementing ChatOps-driven work practices.

Monitoring Server Performance

This is the first in a series on server monitoring. The primary focus of these posts is monitoring in a *nix environment. Monitoring servers is important. Whether it be finding an issue in a test environment prior to deploying or debugging an issue in production, we need access to information on our server to be able to tease apart what went wrong.

Logz.io Releases DevOps Pulse 2018 for SysAdmin Day, Revealing Most DevOps Departments Fall Short in Security

Boston and Tel Aviv, July 26, 2018 — Logz.io, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases the results of their annual DevOps Pulse survey in honor of SysAdmin Day 2018, a day dedicated to honoring the work of SysAdmins and DevOps professionals across the globe. This year, the survey emphasized security and compliance in light of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement and worldwide concerns over data privacy and the growing threat landscape.

Prometheus vs. Graphite: Which Should You Choose for Time Series or Monitoring?

One of the key performance indicators of any system, application, product, or process is how certain parameters or data points perform over time. What if you want to monitor hits on an API endpoint or database latency in seconds? A single data point captured in the present moment won’t tell you much by itself. However, tracking that same trend over time will tell you much more, including the impact of change on a particular metric.

Logz.io Teams up with AWS to Expand Global Access to AI-Driven Machine Data Analysis

Boston and Tel Aviv–July 19, 2018–Logz.io, the leading provider of AI-powered log analysis, announces the release of its intelligent log analysis platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. The Logz.io platform is the first and only ELK solution offered on the AWS Marketplace, giving AWS customers worldwide access to powerful capabilities for extracting actionable insights from machine data.