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4 reasons why website performance matters for your business

We get it! You spent a lot of time working out your architecture, fine-tuning your user interface, and pouring money into launching and marketing your product or site, and you need to get more customers and keep the ones that you’ve got. Website performance is key to both retention and acquisition, so hopefully you took some time to ensure that you delivered a performant site or service.

Feature: Custom Alert Times

Not all websites are the same. From personal blogs to business websites, online shops to community forums, SaaS applications to video streaming services, websites come in all shapes, sizes and flavours. It follows that not all websites have the same uptime requirements. If a personal blog goes down for 20 minutes it might not be a big problem, but the same downtime for a popular online shop could be a major concern.

The Data Explosion and its Effect on Security

Data is exploding. The shift to digital business is driving a massive expansion in the volume of data that organizations produce, use, and store. It is also accelerating the velocity of data—that is, the data is changing more rapidly than ever before. Which in many ways is great—more data can bring more insight into customers, markets, and opportunities. But more data can also be a problem.