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Reasons Why Marketing Needs Its Own Operating System

Have you ever wondered why marketing doesn't have its own operating system (OS)? The first computer bundled with an operating system was in 1964 through IBM's mainframe computers. How about issues related to the lack of operating systems in marketing departments? Why does marketing not have an OS? What changes in marketing warrant an operating system? What features can developers include to create the ideal marketing OS? Operating systems are critical for supporting a computer's essential functions. Similarly, search engine optimisation (SEO) specialists like Digital Spotlight can help improve your company's rankings in Google Search results.

An Easy Guide To Protecting Your Passwords The Right Way

When it comes to online security, you need very strong and unique passwords for your bank accounts, social media accounts, apps, and streaming services. With so many accounts to manage, it may be difficult to secure them all with strong passwords. However, there are different measures you can take to protect your information. Here is an easy guide to protecting your passwords the right way.

9 Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Your Website For The First Time

Having an impactful digital presence is essential regardless of the products or services you want to promote. With that, business owners need to develop a professional website to help them introduce their brands to their ideal customers and potential visitors. They may be able to gain the trust of these online users as they use this avenue to improve their reputation, affecting their purchasing decision.

How Can Startups Affordably Embrace Cybersecurity?

Anyone at the helm of a startup with any presence in the digital sector has to be keenly aware (even if only subconsciously) of the vital importance of cybersecurity. High-profile data leaks and system disruptions steadily brought it into public awareness, the implementation of GDPR cast further light on how data can be misused, and the current rush to embrace remote working has heaped further pressure on cloud services.

Get To Your Jobs Faster! How Data-Driven Tools Assist In Route Optimisation

In the day-to-day running of a business, many operations might require you or your workers to travel. That includes delivering orders to customers in various locations. Without proper predictive planning, this might cost you significant amounts and reduce your overall revenue. For example, longer routes may lead to increased fuel consumption and time wastage.