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What's Missing in Free User Experience Monitoring Tools?

You get what you pay for is a common axiom, one that even applies to infrastructure management solutions. Cloud vendors bundle Digital Experience Management (DEM) solutions with their services, seemingly at no extra charge. But such products lack the capabilities needed to understand how enterprise computing resources function. As a result, corporations do not make needed adjustments and lose time, revenue and increase user frustration.

Synthetics and Service Watch Dashboards

Combining Service Watch and CloudReady synthetics is easy to do and extremely powerful. Quickly pinpoint where the issues are occurring and skip the troubleshooting where the issues aren't which will speed up their resolution time, saving your organization money and time. Combining this information will also provide your app owners a quick and thorough view into how the user experience is going and how the application is performing in general. When issues do occur, they’ll have all the information available making it easy to prove the vendor is at fault and recover SLA credits
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Build the ROI Case for Improving Employee Digital Experience

Budgeting for user experience management solutions has been dynamic recently. When the pandemic hit, corporations freely opened the purse strings to ensure that employees had the tools to work outside the traditional office. The Return on Investment (ROI) for improving the overall Digital Employee Experience (DEX) didn't matter so much. With inflation now the main topic in executive meetings, the strings for DEM/DEX investments have been drawn tighter. Gartner has published a report titled "Market Guide for Digital Experience Monitoring" which states that "enterprises that invest in DEM solutions can expect a 30% reduction in Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) and a 20% reduction in downtime."

Device Groups in Dashboards

Utilizing device groups inside of dashboards is extremely powerful and will allow you to present all the information collected by Service Watch for whatever you are trying to accomplish. Whether you are looking to benchmark the devices of your remote workforce or figure out which office is performing better or worse after changes, you’ll find it extremely easy to visualize this information.

Introduction to Device Groups

Device Groups help prioritize what needs to be done to improve user experience. Customers use them to group by department, line of business, geography, VIP users, and any way they want. With device groupings, it’s easy to understand who has the worst digital experience and why - in real time. Combined with built-in groupings - by network connection, type of device, even by ISP - you'll have fewer issues to deal with, and when issues pop up, you'll fix them faster.
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Streamline and Simplify SSL/TLS Certificate Monitoring

Hackers busily work night and day to find the tiniest hole in your security perimeter, so they can compromise your systems. Browsers are the most commonly used application on your enterprise network - and one becoming increasingly difficult to secure. Managing their security certificates became more challenging recently, but Exoprise's easy to deploy SSL certificate monitoring solutions close up any holes. There is no doubt that your network is constantly under attack.

Network Path Monitoring Pinpoints and Mitigates Connection Bottlenecks

An employee calls complaining about slow response time. Another one has similar trouble. No red lights are flashing on the Network Operations console, so the network is up and running. What is happening? Frankly, it could be just about anything: an overworked router, a runaway process on a laptop, a slow loading web page, or a bandwidth hog at home.

How To Solve Difficult Remote Work Problems

Before the pandemic, capturing your users’ experience was simple because just about everyone was in the office, and you had traditional on-premises systems in place. Nowadays, remote work and hybrid access and usage patterns are much more varied. Work hours, 24×7 availability, collaboration, networking, hybrid, etc. all lead to difficulties in understanding employee Digital Experience.

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How ITOps Uses Real-Time Monitoring for Easy Fixes

Here's a scenario. All your enterprise apps are running fine, as you expected. Maybe your team wasn't impacted by the Microsoft 365 outage a couple of weeks ago. Good for you! But don't let past application performance predict current performance. Instead, choose real-time monitoring to efficiently manage your network and proactively resolve app health issues at any time. That way, the IT operations (ITOps) team has visibility into your entire digital estate and pinpoint services unavailable to end-users.

4 Key IT Operations Practices for Better Management

Here we go again. If 2022 wasn’t enough, there are new challenges in 2023 staring right at information technology leaders. As interest rates rise and consumer demand slows, companies plan to cut costs and do more with less. But what does all this mean for you? Amid this uncertainty, the IT operations department must adapt well to these changes. Because if they don’t, the business they support will be disadvantaged.