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Cross-Site Request Forgery - Threat To Open Web Applications

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is an attack that tricks a user's browser into sending a malicious HTTP request to another website. This malicious HTTP request looks like it was sent by the user, but it actually comes from the attacker. A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attempts to execute a change rather than trying to download personal data. Once an attack is executed there is no way for the attacker to directly monitor the result so attackers often execute multiple forgeries.

Top 7 Java Performance Metrics to Monitor

Today, almost any metric you can think of can be tracked down and reported, as opposed to the past when the software was traditionally provided in boxes and its performance in production could not be predicted. The issues we are currently facing are not due to a lack of information, but rather to an abundance and scale of information. This becomes significantly more difficult to manage when dozens or even hundreds of servers are in use.

What is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and How it works?

The Transmission Control Protocol provides reliable, ordered and, sometimes, time-sensitive data flow between applications across a network. As well as economizes network use by attempting to improve error-handling capability and providing reliable data transmission. The Transmission Control Protocol is the underlying communication protocol for a wide variety of applications, including web servers and websites, email applications, FTP and peer-to-peer apps.

DevOps Best Practices for Database

DevOps has been bridging the gap between the development and operations teams for more than a decade. It is eliminating the organizational barriers between the two and automates the delivery process. It's time to start treating databases the same way we treat the delivery pipeline when applying DevOps. When we have a large database, automation is crucial. When the database has too much information, changing a table can take ages and block further changes like inserts, updates, or deletes.

Minify CSS and JavaScript to accelerate website speed

Minification is the technique of terminating all undue extra characters from the source code. This method reduces file sizes, allowing for faster load times and less bandwidth load. Less code appearing in front-end web pages also leads to a more compact, faster-loading website. Most importantly, minification speeds up web pages for users on limited data plans, allowing them to enjoy your content with less worry about exceeding their download quota.

Improve Website Performance by Checking Logs

In the early days of log analysis, application developers would use their logging libraries to write logs to files stored on a disk. After years of relying on those libraries, they found that they were unable to monitor the performance of their applications anymore because they didn’t understand the way their logging libraries worked. This led to a shift from using log files stored on a disk to using Syslog.

Gzip Compression for Faster Web Pages (Apache, Nginx, WordPress)

Even reducing the loading time of our website by a second can have a drastic impact on the traffic we get. It is vital for our websites to load quickly in this fast-moving world, where all the information we need can be found within a blink of an eye. One way to achieve it is using Gzip compression. The Gzip algorithm compresses and decompresses data in order to make websites load faster in a client's machine.

Become a Database Administrator - Guide to Database Security

Database security includes a variety of measures used to secure database management systems from vicious cyber-attacks and illegitimate use. Database security programs are designed to protect not only the data within the database but also the data management system itself, and every application that accesses it, from destruction, mishandling, and unauthorized access.