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Top 9 DevOps Monitoring Tools in 2023

DevOps has evolved in terms of its tools, techniques, and culture. Software developers can gain a completely new perspective when operations and development work together. The tech sector now depends heavily on DevOps. It is essential in enterprises, from software delivery to project planning. Businesses in DevOps employ a variety of monitoring tools for a range of activities, including development, testing, and automation.

Ping Command: A Beginner's Guide

One of the most continually used tools by network administrators is the ping command. Over a half-century has passed since it was unleashed, and unsurprisingly, it has proven effective in troubleshooting networks. Testing the availability of a networking device on a network (mostly computers) can be done by employing the ping command. In order to check the connectivity between hosts and servers, the PING (Packet Internet Groper) command is utilized.

Top 10 Cron Job Monitoring Tools in 2023

A cron job is used to schedule and carry out specific tasks. It automates the process and periodically executes it in the background. You can keep track of whether a given cron job is running or not with the help of a cron job monitoring tool. You must first configure a cron job in the monitoring tool before you can monitor it. After then, the tool checks the status regularly and notifies you when a problem occurs. This article lists the top 10 tools for online cron job monitoring.

Website Monitoring: What, Why, and Best Practices

When visitors come to your website to browse products, make purchases, or read your articles, you need to consider how they will feel. Furthermore, a website that loads slowly and experiences frequent breakdowns must be avoided because it can turn visitors away. Your sales, revenue, and profitability may suffer as a result. Additionally, it could harm your reputation, particularly if the visitor is fresh. If they have a bad first impression, they will quickly pursue other options.

Monitoring Integrations with Third-party APIs

Accessorizing can completely turn around your look. Same way, the apps we make may also feel patchy sometimes, but then, if we bring in third-party resources - such as third-party API integrations, it can drastically enhance our application’s performance. These additional API integrations expand the functionality of your application tremendously, for example, you might add a real-time alerting feature to an analytics tool you built!

Top 9 Website Performance Monitoring Tools in 2023 (Free & Freemium)

It's common for "make sure the website's up" to be one of the first tasks we receive that we can classify as "website monitoring." We can do it for a friend's or relative's business, our website or blog, or employment. Additionally, checking the availability of a website is frequently the first monitoring task that calls for the use of a tool rather than a command. According to IT professionals, most "is it running?" questions can simply be checked. PING and its several variations are used for this.

7 Best Docker Container Monitoring Tools in 2023

Monitoring tools aid DevOps teams in finding and resolving performance issues more quickly. With the popularity of Kubernetes and Docker continuing to grow, it's critical to establish proper container monitoring and log management practices early on. This is no simple task. Docker container monitoring is quite difficult. Creating a strategy and a suitable monitoring system is not at all easy.

7 Top Cloud Diagramming Tools

There has been so much uproar about cloud computing in recent years, mostly due to its scalability, capability, and accessibility. Cloud computing is designed to provide constant access to data and applications for users, allowing them to have high bandwidth. Cloud architecture pertains to the diverse components, such as servers, software functionalities, and software solutions, used by all businesses to harness the efficiency of cloud resources.

Logstash Alternatives in 2023: 10 Best Options

Data processing involves collecting, organizing, and manipulating data in a systematic manner in order to extract useful information from it. It involves a series of steps that are performed on a set of data to transform it into a more meaningful and functional form for a specific purpose. Starting from collecting the data to the end part of processing it, data undergoes several layers of checks and balances before it is let out as we see it.

Essential Guide to sudo and su in Linux

Most Linux users will be faced with sudo and su at least once in their lives. Because of their comparable syntax and overlapping functions, it is often complicated for new users to differentiate between them. The commands sudo and su are among the most widespread and effective in Linux. By deterring unpredictable things in your network, you can deter performance and safety issues in your network. The two methods of gaining root privileges are sudo and su.