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Serverless: The Future of the Internet

Serverless is a technique for executing operations and running cloud compute services on an as-needed basis. Serverless computing is the latest trend in the cloud computing world. It has made it much easier to develop, deploy, and scale applications. Serverless computing means that developers don't need to worry about anything other than their code. They don't need to provision a server or install software to run their code.

Node.js Performance Monitoring

Many software developers utilize Node.js to create high-performance backend web applications. It has numerous advantages, including ease of application deployment, asynchronous request handling, great performance, and more. Integrating a solid monitoring solution into your Node.js application is critical since it gives you visibility into what's going on in your application at any given time or over a specific time.

Technical Metrics to Measure Observability in Marketing

A website's performance can be measured using metrics. Metrics provide information on what is working, what is not, and where improvements are needed. Unlike numbers, spreadsheets, or data, it isn't as complicated or as time-consuming to use. For observability in marketing, website metrics that measure user engagement are vital. By analyzing metrics, the marketing department will be able to determine what web pages are not providing the company with value.

A Guide to PostgreSQL Performance Tuning

PostgreSQL is the most powerful and versatile SQL database available today. There is a problem that comes with this level of power and versatility. How do the developers of PostgreSQL fine-tune the default configuration for everyone? Well, they can't do it. The issue is that each database differs not only in design but also in needs. Some systems are used to store massive amounts of data that are rarely searched.

13 Best Performance Monitoring Tools for Java

The Java programming language is simple to learn and use, and it is frequently used by web developers to create applications. However, monitoring the performance of a Java-based application might be difficult because it is not a simple process. Implementing multiple monitoring tools to track Java logs, metrics, infrastructure data, and other operational factors is necessary for troubleshooting inefficiencies.

How to Monitor Website Performance

Most organizations today have a large digital presence, and some rely significantly on their web applications to provide value to their customers and generate income. Keeping your website up and running 24/7 isn't enough in today's digital world. To provide a better experience, you should optimize your web pages frequently. Slow-loading pages or those that aren't mobile-friendly might cause an increase in bounce rate as well as influence your search engine rankings.


Containers are great for developers, but containers are also an excellent way to create reproducible, secure, and portable applications. Applications can be deployed reliably and migrated to multiple computing environments quickly using containers. It could be the developer's laptop to the testing environment or staging to the production environment. To use Dockers, Kubernetes, etc., it has been necessary to build containers.

How to Identify Memory Leaks

You may not be familiar with thinking about the memory usage of your applications as a software developer. Memory is plentiful and usually relatively fast in today's development world. Likely, the programming language you're using doesn't require you to allocate or free memory on your own. However, this does not mean you are safe from memory leaks. Memory leaks can occur in any application written in any language. Sure, older or "near to the metal" languages like C or C++ have more of them.

Why Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tool Is Important?

Modern applications must deliver not only value but also round-the-clock availability, quick replies, and real-time problem-solving in today's digital economy. Since all businesses rely on software applications, their performance is one of their primary worries and frustrations, especially if their applications are the business itself. This is where Application Performance Monitoring Tool enters the scene.