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Using cfbs with a traditionally managed policy set

With the recent release of build.cfengine.com and cfbs I have been thinking about the process of converting a traditionally manged policy set. I consider a traditionally manged policy set one where you have a repo with the root of masterfiles being the root of the repository, or even having no repository at all and managing masterfiles by editing directly in the distribution point (e.g. /var/cfengine/masterfiles).

Hunting and tracking remediation of Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228)

The internet has been ablaze since the announcement of Log4Shell, the nickname for CVE-2021-44228, an arbitrary remote code execution vulnerability in the Java logging utility Log4j. So far two additional vulnerabilities ( CVE 2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105) have now been identified. The code has been vulnerable since 2013 and millions of hosts and services are affected.

CFEngine 3.19 released - Collaboration

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CFEngine 3.19.0! In 2021, for this release, and the launch of CFEngine Build, our focus has been on collaboration. We want to deliver a lot of value to our users through modules, and enable you to share and cooperate on policy, promise types, compliance reports, etc.

Static checking of CFEngine code

Software quality has been a topic and an area of interest since the dawn of software itself. And as software evolved so did the techniques and approaches to assuring its high quality. Better computers providing more computing power, bigger storage and faster communication have allowed software developers to detect issues in their code sooner and faster.

Security hardening holiday calendar - Week 1

This year we decided to provide security focused modules and content for the holiday season. These are parts of the security configuration we implement on our own infrastructure, based on OpenSCAP and other sources. By putting these into easy to use modules and writing about it, we hope to give our community of users something valuable: Educational and easy to understand security tips, along with configuration which can quickly be automated across your entire infrastructure, using CFEngine.