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How Emerging Technologies Influence State Government Staffing Needs

Emerging technologies impact many areas of an organization, but their impact on staffing is often overlooked. It would be ideal for public sector organizations, and state governments, in particular, to be able to adopt new technologies and hire the appropriate staff quickly and easily to optimize operations. State government managers face barriers such as a lack of budget, limited resources, minimal training, and unclear priorities—impeding speedy adoption.

Page Speed vs. SEO: Does a Slow Website Affect Rankings?

If you have a website, you should know about search engine optimization (SEO) and page speed. You may even have wondered about balancing page speed vs. SEO. From a user perspective, page speed matters to you personally because you get frustrated when you click a link and nothing appears to happen or when it takes ages before any information appears. But does it matter when it comes to SEO? Good question.

Log Management in Hosted Platforms Like DigitalOcean

With DigitalOcean Monitoring, you can collect metrics for visibility, monitor Droplet performance, and receive alerts when problems arise in your infrastructure. Many users often want to extend this infrastructure monitoring with application-level monitoring. This means debugging issues requires expertise, familiarity with your product and infrastructure, and often the involvement of many people in various fields—all to chase down a single problem.

Cloud-First Strategy and Its Benefits for Business

A cloud-first strategy can feel like a big jump from traditional setups. One of the benefits of a hybrid or on-premises strategy is you feel like you’re in control. You and your team know where your critical servers live. You can touch them. Your team understands your security processes, and you can easily verify security personnel follow them. Those are all significant benefits. However, a growing number of software teams are choosing to move to cloud-first strategies.

So, you want to monitor your serverless applications...

If you’re already using or planning to use AWS Lambda to run code without provisioning or managing servers, you’ll want to monitor your serverless applications with the new SolarWinds® AppOptics™ Lambda forwarder and APM agents. If you’re not using AWS Lambda, here’s what you need to know—it’s an event-driven, serverless computing platform by Amazon Web Services.

5 Best Network Management Software and Tools

With IT technology continuing to rapidly evolve, networks are becoming increasingly complicated, sophisticated, and sizable. The accelerating growth rate of network technology is caused in part by the increased adoption of IoT, the cloud, and software-defined networking. In this environment, where technology is advancing with overwhelming speed, enterprises must adapt and be agile enough to manage network configurations for all their connected devices.

5 Tips for Better Help Desk Reporting and Monitoring

Performance reporting is an essential part of everything IT does, and the help desk is no different. But help desk reporting and metrics are particular to each organization. Ticket volume and incident types often depend on the nature of the business, and IT help desk managers must select a set of reporting criteria that helps monitor the unique value that their team provides. As this post will cover, there are some universal truths in help desk reporting.

Best Tips to Boost Your E-Commerce Website's User Experience

As we enter 2021, we’re seeing a renewed focus on user experience (UX). Whereas user experience was first limited to a UX designer, it encompasses so much more nowadays. User experience has become a business mentality, where everyone in a company can make a positive contribution to user experience. Some examples include the following: This article explores different tips to boost your e-commerce website’s user experience.

How to Futureproof IT Environments Without Going Into Technical Debt

Federal IT pros are experts at using quick fixes to keep costs down and save time, often because there’s no other option. They essentially leap from crisis to crisis instead of future-proofing the agency’s IT environment. Paying down technical debt is neither easy nor glamorous, but without this paydown, you’re creating a cyclical panic. For example, when you’re in technical debt, you run with what you’ve got until it breaks; when it breaks, you panic.

SQL Server Performance Monitoring: Top Metrics to Look At

Application performance monitoring (APM) is one of the main monitoring techniques used in tech organizations. Performance is an essential attribute of applications and shouldn’t be overlooked. Our topic for today’s post can be considered both a subset and a complement of APM: SQL Server performance monitoring. We’ll start by covering some basics. We’ll define APM and why it’s so important.