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The Expert's Guide to Searching in LogDNA

Searching in LogDNA is designed to be as intuitive and straightforward as possible. Just type in your search terms, and LogDNA will return your results almost instantaneously. For cases where you need to perform a more advanced search, or where you need greater control over your search results, LogDNA provides a number of features that can help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Client-Side Logging with LogDNA

Logging is an essential part of application development, monitoring, and debugging. There are countless libraries, frameworks, and services for logging backend and server-based applications. But for client-side applications, especially JavaScript-based web applications, it’s a different story. As we see increasingly complex code running on end user devices, the need to log these applications is also becoming increasingly important.

How to Search through LogDNA Archives

Retention is a crucial factor in adopting a log management solution. For most organizations, 30 days is a perfect balance between having to access historical log data and the high cost of storage. However, some organizations need to retain logs for a much longer period of time, whether it’s to comply with regulations, perform frequent audits, or monitor changes to operations over time.

Monitoring GitHub Activity with LogDNA

Source code management (SCM) is a core component of DevOps. In addition to storing and sharing source code, SCM tools maintain an ongoing history of changes. Reviewing this history provides numerous insights into your development process, including: How often code changes are submitted, The impact of changes on application performance, Which changes result in errors, bugs, or broken builds.

Cloud Foundry Summit, Google Cloud Next, Container World, DockerCon and more

April was one of our busiest and exciting month of events so far. Here’s a recap of where we were, what we saw and where you can catch us next. While writing this, we are on the road at both DockerCon and Open Infrastructure Summit so if you are there, don’t hesitate to find our pink shirts to meet us and get a demo!

Open Distro for Elasticsearch: What it Means and Why it's Important

Recently Amazon launched Open Distro for Elasticsearch, a distribution of Elasticsearch with a number of additional features. The project was created out of concern that Elasticsearch was starting to include proprietary features, and that Elastic was straying from its open source roots.

3 Steps to Implement DevSecOps in Your Organization

It seems like hardly a week goes by without news of a security breach. Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and more severe, costing businesses $600 billion per year according to the 2018 Economic Impact of Cybercrime report. Without a strong security policy in place, businesses risk falling victim to new threats while losing the trust of their customers.