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Introducing WebPageTest by Catchpoint's First Free Web Performance Course

This week over at WebPageTest, we’re excited to be taking our first steps into the performance education space with our new completely free online course, Lightning-Fast Web Performance by WPT Senior Experience Engineer, Scott Jehl. This course is for you, whether you’re a DevOps engineer curious to learn more about WebPerf or you’re part of a front-end and QA team responsible for website optimization and lowering latency.

Catchpoint's New Node to Node Feature Removes Corporate Blind Spots

At Catchpoint, we release new features approximately seven times annually. Catchpoint’s previous release, Andante, includes a variety of updates and new features, including a powerful new smartboard redesigned to be more intuitive and help our users find solutions faster, additional metrics to strengthen our unique RUM solution, and the ability to generate alerts for workforce experience based on issues your Digital Experience Score identifies.

That Rogers Outage is Going to be More Expensive Than You Think

On July 8 of 2022, the Canadian telecom company Rogers Communications suffered a major outage that impacted most of Canada for almost two days. This wasn’t completely unprecedented (they’d had an outage in 2021 that impacted their wireless servers for several hours) but the breadth and severity of this one is going to end up costing them far, far more than it seems at first glance.

Happy Systems Administrator's Day!

Happy System Administrator’s Day! July 29th is the day we thank and honor all the hard-working system administrators (and network administrators, network engineers, IT helpdesk staff – basically anyone who helps keep the networks up and running) for all their hard work. You’ve spent the last year fixing problems, onboarding users, integrating new systems and keeping the entire world connected.

DEJ Market Study Names Catchpoint a Leading Vendor

Digital transformation has been foundational to any forward-looking business and organizational strategy for many years, but never more so than today. In the digital era, centering an innovative approach to technology at the heart of your business is essential to credibility, impact, growth and efficiency. However, ensuring readiness to adapt to future market, customer or employee needs demands continuous effort and re-appraisal.

DEJ's 2022 IT Performance Management Study: Key Takeaways

DEJ's 2022 IT performance management study shines a light on the 24 areas impacting IT teams today. The pain points giving IT teams sleepless nights are all here – the war for talent, managing complexity, data management and analytics at scale, for example. As you delve deeper, however, a pattern begins to emerge – it all comes down to business outcomes.

Prime Day's High Traffic Survival Guide

Did you, along with billions of others around the world, snag some deals yesterday at the start of Amazon’s Prime Day 2022? It's no secret that July 12-13th marks Amazon’s two-day online shopping event. There are no hard stats yet on this year's numbers, but according to Influencer Marketing Hub, the world’s largest online retailer generated record sales of about $11.2 billion during their 2021 Prime Day, a 7.6% increase from 2020.

To Shift Right, You Need Observability

I recently attended Sapphire Ventures' Hypergrowth Engineering Summit (thank you David Carter and Sapphire for the invitation! I wrote a separate blog post on the whole thing), and one of the sessions was a panel discussion with Rob Zuber, CTO at CircleCI and Jonathan Nolen, SVP of Engineering and Product at LaunchDarkly. The session was illuminating: they talked about how in this world of everyone shifting left, teams should actually consider shifting right.