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Replicate Artifactory Configuration with Terraform Provider Plugin

It takes a large team to manage enterprise DevOps, and it can take a large team of binary repository managers, too. It’s vital to get all team members going the same way, and quickly. A growing developer organization will have many instances of Artifactory to help them scale, on multiple nodes for high availability and multi-site repository replication. Configuring them all precisely, with the same set of repositories, users, and permissions, can’t be done effectively one at a time.

Get Around Docker Hub Download Limits: JFrog Artifactory

You may have heard the latest Docker announcement about the new rate limits for container image pulls. Starting November 1st, Docker will start to limit Docker Hub usage based on your subscription level and block pull requests that exceed imposed limits. Not only that, Docker has also put in place a new retention policy, six months for free accounts, for inactive images (originally slated for November 1, this policy has been delayed to mid-2021 due to community feedback).

Interview with TRI-AD: DevOps & Software Development in the Automotive Industry

Hi, my name is Ayana Yokota and I’m a Developer Advocate at JFrog. I’m excited to introduce the first blog post in my JFrog customers interview series, highlighting unique use-cases and success stories. This fascinating first interview was held with Mr. Yan and Mr. Moriya, from the Infrastructure Engineering team, and Mr. Etourneau from the Arene Tools team, in the Toyota Research Institute – Advanced Development, Inc. (TRI-AD).

A Few Minutes More: Add Xray DevSecOps to Artifactory Enterprise on Azure

In a prior blog post, we explained how to install or update Artifactory through the Azure Marketplace in the amount of time it takes for your coffee order to arrive on the counter. Now you can add to your self-managed (BYOL) Artifactory deployment Xray, the cream of software component analysis (SCA) tools, through the Azure Marketplace as well.

Air Gap Distribution Delivers Peace of Mind to Isolated Environments

The best way to stay out of danger is to keep far away from where danger lurks. But in the internet age, the global network means risk to your systems is from everywhere, at all times. With estimates that worldwide damage from cybercrime will exceed 6 trillion dollars by 2021, many companies choose, or are required by regulations to isolate their most sensitive systems to avoid any type of security breach.

All Hands on Deck: P2P Distribution Combats Latency to Speed Delivery

With any huge task, more helpers make it go faster. That’s the solution large organizations increasingly seek for deploying large applications to hundreds of nodes. When others pitch in, many hands make light work. JFrog is pleased to introduce Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Distribution to help deliver content to huge K8s cluster runtime environments efficiently and at scale.

Top Go Modules: Writing Unit Tests with Testify

All developers have seen them, even in well-structured Golang programs: comments suggesting you keep away from lines of code since they seem to be working in a magic way. These warnings make us timid, fearing we might break something. But applications need to change, to improve and innovate. That’s why unit tests are a vital part of software development. They help developers know whether the small parts of their software perform their intended function correctly.

Top Go Modules: Golang Web APIs with GORM

Robert Greiseimer has called Go the language of cloud computing and while it’s no secret that Go has strong features that support the needs of microservice architecture, distributed systems, and large-scale enterprise applications, what is less talked about is that Go was also built with web development in mind from the start. In fact, many developers in the community are using Go for full-stack development and championing new modules and frameworks that make Go a strong language for the web.

Today's Big Leap for Tomorrow

Today is a momentous day for JFrog, as we’re excited and proud to join the Nasdaq family of listings. While COVID-19 challenges every company and prevents us from being together in many ways, we’re humbled that Times Square was turned green today! This is obviously an important milestone, and it couldn’t have happened without over a decade of hard work and millions of hours that have gone into this amazing company.

For Helm Chart Dependencies, Depend on ChartCenter

ChartCenter is a free Helm chart central repository that was built to help the Helm community find immutable, secure, and reliable charts for publicly available Kubernetes apps. With ChartCenter, you have a single source of truth to proxy all public charts from one, always available location. Without ChartCenter, you need to add each Helm chart’s repository to the Helm client for every Kubernetes app you want to install and update.