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Achieving Continuous Deployment with Artifactory Webhooks & Docker

Continuous Deployment (CD) requires setting up your infrastructure and automation to update your solution with the latest code change from the main branch. That’s what we call “Liquid Software”. Full automation makes your deployment seamless, less error prone, faster and it makes the feedback loop shorter because you can now deploy after each change. Achieving continuous deployment requires the following elements.

Host Your Helm Chart in ChartCenter Directly From Source

Ownership isn’t for everyone — building and maintaining an abode is a lot of trouble when all you need is a place to hang your hat. That can also be true when you’re a creator of Helm charts. You’ll certainly want the benefits of a Helm chart repository to store, version, and share your charts for deploying applications to Kubernetes.

Infographic: Accelerating Trusted Distribution of Software Innovation, Everywhere

Research firm IDC has recently published an infographic (check it out below!) outlining the new requirements for modern software distribution and key guidance for organizations to meet future needs and overcome the bottlenecks in the next era of large-scale application delivery. With the advent of DevOps and modern delivery practices, organizations are becoming better at rapidly developing and deploying new applications to better serve their customers and stay competitive in today’s digital age.

Adding Helm Chart Security Mitigation Notes to ChartCenter

Earlier this year, we launched ChartCenter, our newest community platform to help Kubernetes developers find Helm charts. This new free Helm central repository was built with chart immutability  in mind— meaning every version of a Helm chart and every version in ChartCenter will always be available even if the original source goes down.

Building AWS Outposts? Bring Artifactory and Xray DevOps Tools

We’re delighted to announce that, after a rigorous evaluation by the AWS Service Ready Program, JFrog Artifactory and Xray have been validated as following best practices for AWS Outposts. What additional engineering did we do to get our core DevOps solutions to perform on AWS Outposts? None at all. We’re proud of meeting AWS’s strict standards, but it was no surprise.

Prepare for C/C++ Victory: Announcing Conan 2.0 Tribe

A package manager wins on the strength of its warriors — those developer leaders who passionately advocate for it to be adopted by their teams and organizations. In just two years, Conan quickly found its champions among C/C++ developers, and their feedback and code contributions have been vital in making the open source software package manager a powerful solution.

JFrog Support Providing Next Level Artificial Intelligence (AI) Experience

Let me share with you my story about finding the right AI Solution to improve our support self service. The starting point of my journey was pretty common, many will read this and think “Yes! I suffer the same pain”. At JFrog we produce tons of relevant and clever documentation. It’s all out there, available. And yet, we struggle to get to the right piece of information when looking for something specific.

Steer OCI to Kubernetes with Artifactory and Helm 3

With the latest release of JFrog Artifactory, your Kubernetes world just got a lot bigger. Artifactory’s Docker registries are now compliant with the Open Container Initiative (OCI). Repository support for images compatible with OCI and support for the Helm 3 client mean you can run K8s with a high degree of versatility. Once you’re no longer locked exclusively into Docker, you can run either part of your container ecosystem or all of it using any OCI-compatible client.

Keep Watch on Docker Hub Pulls with JFrog Log Analytics

Have you heard? Docker Hub now limits usage by free anonymous and credentialed accounts. After the number of pulls from an IP address exceeds a fixed threshold within a six hour period (100 for anonymous, 200 for credentialed), Docker Hub throttles bandwidth. You’ll still get your Docker images, but at a much slower speed. You can read our earlier blog post to learn more about the Docker Hub policy changes.