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Graviton-Based Lambda Functions, What It Means For You

AWS just announced support for AWS Lambda functions powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. These are 64-bit Arm-based processors that are custom built by AWS and offer a better price to performance ratio. In this post, let me take through what we have learnt about this new option and what it means for you.

Testing strategies for Step Functions

AWS Step Functions is a powerful orchestration service that lets you model even the most complex business workflows. It packs a great visualization tool (which you can also use to design your workflows visually now!) and can integrate with many AWS services directly, including Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway. It’s one of my favorite AWS services and I often use it to model complex or business-critical workflows.

Understanding Serverless Observability

Ideally, observability should help you understand the state of your application and how it performs under different circumstances. However, while serverless observability may seem similar to serverless monitoring and testing, the three achieve different goals. Testing helps you check your application for known issues, and monitoring helps you evaluate system health according to known metrics. Observability helps you search and discover unknown issues, providing end-to-end visibility.

Lambda Extensions Just Got Even Better

AWS announced AWS Lambda Extensions back in October 2020 and I wrote extensively about it at the time – what it is, how it works, and why you should care. In short, Lambda Extensions allow operational tools to integrate with your Lambda functions and run either in-process alongside your code or in a separate process. To better understand the problems they solve and their use cases, please read my previous article.

3 Major Ways To Improve AWS Lambda Performance

This piece was originally three different blogs but is now one. In this piece, we lay out three ways you can improve your AWS Lambda performance. So much has been written about Lambda cold starts. It’s easily one of the most talked-about and yet, misunderstood topics when it comes to Lambda. Depending on who you talk to, you will likely get different advice on how best to reduce cold starts.

Introducing Stackoscope For Serverless Applications

Here at Lumigo, we are focused on helping customers succeed with serverless and make it easier for them to build and run serverless applications in production. We love serverless and operate one of the largest serverless systems out there as we ingest and process billions of events from our customers. One thing many customers have asked us for help with is to identify misconfigured resources or places where they can improve by following best practices.

Making CI/CD work with serverless

“Serverless computing is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application.” — “Serverless Computing”, Wikipedia This mundane description of serverless is perhaps an understatement of one of the major shifts in recent years.