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Digital Experience Monitoring

The latest News and Information on Digital Experience Monitoring for End Users, Employees and Remote Working.

The Three Imperatives For A Successful Digital Workplace

In order for employees to get their jobs done in today’s world, they are relying on IT departments to deliver and support more complex and diverse technologies than ever before. It seems like every employee has their own preferred workflow that is supported by a specific data set, program, app or device, and IT is expected to understand and support them all.

Making Time: The 100-Hour Solution

You’re losing time every day — time that your employees could spend focusing on critical tasks, solving persistent problems or innovating new ideas. Instead, they’re fighting with technology, struggling to make devices and services perform as they should. As noted by Information Age, the average U.K. worker loses more than nine days per year due to technology trouble.

From SLA to XLA: Rethinking End-User KPIs

The 1980s was a period that set the ball rolling for many aspects of the technology that we are using today. Personal computers, such as the BBC Micro and similar devices, introduced the world in general to the power and potential of IT – a capability that has grown massively in sophistication and capability, to the point that it has become fundamental to many aspects of life at work and at home.

Putting Employees at the Centerpiece of Your 2019 IT Strategy

In recent years, IT professionals have been progressively realizing that successful IT strategies actually depend on a simple question: who? Indeed, for once, instead of asking “what” or “how much,” they are shifting their focus towards the people ultimately impacted by IT decision making – their employees.

2019 Important IT Milestones

“What??? Fully end of life by April, you say? As in, ‘in-six-weeks’ April? Well, there go my weekends for a while. When will we ever get this right?” We’ve all been there at some point, completely under water, late on key projects, having to fight to get our SLA and security KPIs green and completely forget that time is running and now, again, core components are nearing their end of life. Here at Nexthink, we don’t want you to have to go through that.