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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Nightmare on AWS street: mistakes we made and overcoming challenges of starting out with serverless

Tobi started building on AWS in 2018 for a big migration project for a very well-known German car manufacturer. Here's what he's learned from his mistakes from first starting out, which of his assumptions about building on serverless held true, and what came as a complete surprise? Learn more about building on serverless on our blog.

Demystifying the complexity of cloud-native 5G network functions deployment using Robin CNP

Some of the key requirements as operators deploy #telecom data centers include managing their NFs in a cloud-native world to achieve low-latency and high throughput for #5G applications, meeting scalability targets, achieving bare-metal performance without virtualization overheads, and so on. Robin’s #CloudNative Platform solves various challenges associated with #5G CNF deployments, along with delivering the convenience of zero touch automation, multi-cloud portability, and hyperscale orchestration.

Manage Financial Risk & Fraud with Dynamics 365

If you have a business, security risks, particularly risks regarding privacy and data protection are unavoidable. Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions provide vital functions to allow the creation and maintenance of a risk management plan effectively. Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is designed to effectively protect against fraud to improve the transactional experience of both merchants and customers. It offers agility and gives capabilities to businesses to apply adaptive artificial intelligence and operational research to millions of required assessments.

Announcing Spot Security: Safeguard your cloud with continuous, automated security

The cloud not only ushered in a different way of developing and deploying software, but it also introduced a fundamentally different security reality, presenting new challenges to teams responsible for keeping environments secure. Designed to be dynamic, cloud environments can be in a near-constant state of change, with infrastructure resources spun up and down multiple times a day to support cloud applications.

Optimized, high performing clusters with Elastigroup's Intelligent Traffic Flow

When companies use Elastigroup, Spot by NetApp’s cloud compute platform, they’re able to operate the most efficient, reliable infrastructure at the lowest possible cost. Elastigroup’s core features automate infrastructure management and optimize cloud resources, delivering up to 90% savings on cloud costs.

Stateful support in Elastigroup for Azure

When running stateful applications in the cloud, it’s more likely you’ll find them using pay-as-you-go VMs, which will stay up and running throughout the application’s lifetime. On the other hand, using pay-as-you-go VMs typically cost a lot more than spot ones. As these applications grow, so too does the cloud bill and finding ways to optimize costs is becoming a strategic goal.

Bulletproofing Your Kubernetes Build

Most containers, pods, and namespaces in Kubernetes and OpenShift have been deployed with incorrect CPU and memory resource specifications. It isn’t just suboptimal DevOps—it’s dangerous from a service delivery perspective. Watch and see how managing capacity operationally prevents pods from swallowing unused capacity, frees nodes, and keeps the OOM killer away. This bulletproof strategy for maximizing utilization continuously integrates the optimal resources into the source code controlling your nodes and clusters.

Making CI/CD Work with Serverless

As a developer, serverless lets you concentrate on what you do best: building your product. What happens when we want to implement a CI/CD flow with the serverless mindset? A supercharged CI/CD flow. In this webinar, AWS Serverless Hero and Lumigo VP Engineering Efi Merdler-Kravitz presents Lumigo’s own journey in building a 100% serverless CI/CD pipeline.