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The latest News and Information on Distributed Tracing and related technologies.

Gain the upper hand over adversaries with Osquery and Elastic

With the Elastic 7.16 release, Osquery Manager is now generally available for Elastic Agent, making it easier than ever to deploy and run Osquery across your environments. By collecting Osquery data and combining it with the power of the Elastic Stack, you can greatly expand your endpoint telemetry, enabling enhanced detection and investigation, and improved hunting for vulnerabilities and anomalous activities.

Grafana Tempo 2021: Year in review

Grafana Tempo has had quite a year. Just eight months after it was announced at ObservabilityCON 2020, the open source tracing solution went GA. Since the Tempo team released v1.0 in June, we have ingested more than 39 trillion spans, a 26x increase from last year. We also introduced Grafana Enterprise Traces, which is powered by Tempo, to the Grafana Enterprise Stack.

Ruby Application Manual Instrumentation for Distributed Traces

OpenTelemetry is a project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation aimed to standardize the way that application telemetry data is recorded and utilized by platforms downstream. This application trace data can be valuable for application owners to understand the relationship between the components and services in their code, the request volume and latency introduced in each step, and ultimately where the bottlenecks are that are resulting in poor user experience.

Auto-Instrumenting Node.js Apps with OpenTelemetry

In this tutorial, we will go through a working example of a Node.js application auto-instrumented with OpenTelemetry. In our example we’ll use Express, the popular Node.js web application framework. Our example application is based on two locally hosted services sending data to each other. We will instrument this application with OpenTelemetry’s Node.js client library to generate trace data and send it to an OpenTelemetry Collector.

Quarterly Product Update: Better Traces, CONCURRENCY, and RATE

At Honeycomb Developer Week, I got an opportunity to walk through a couple of fun new features we’ve shipped since August and ways that we’ve been able to improve Honeycomb for you. Hearing feedback from our users and customers— through support requests, in the Pollinators community, from Twitter, etc.—helps us make Honeycomb better for you.

Flask Application Manual Instrumentation for Distributed Traces

In this blog series, we share the application instrumentation steps for distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry standards across multiple languages. Earlier, we covered Java Application Manual Instrumentation for Distributed Traces, Golang Application Instrumentation for Distributed Traces, Node JS Application for Distributed Traces, and DotNet Application Instrumentation for Distributed Traces. In this blog post, we are going to cover.

Database monitoring with Sumo Logic and OpenTelemetry-powered distributed tracing

We are living in a data world. Data describes and controls almost every aspect of our life, from the president's elections to everyday grocery shopping. Data grows exponentially and so does the complexity of applications that manage that data. We all know the recent shift to microservices and other revolutionary changes that happened in the way we design, develop, deploy and operate modern applications.

Graph Observability: Honeycomb and Apollo GraphQL With OpenTelemetry

With David Pickavance, Senior Sales Engineer at Apollo GraphQL Learn how to use Honeycomb, Apollo Studio, and Open Telemetry to optimize GraphQL performance for a federated graph. See how to debug a federated GraphQL query across subgraphs and down to the database layer using Honeycomb.