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Using Log Management for Compliance

It’s that time of the year again. The annual and dreaded IT and security audit is ramping up. You just received the documentation list and need to pull everything together. You have too much real work to do, but you need to prove your compliance posture to this outsider. Using log management for compliance monitoring and documentation can make audits less stressful and time-consuming.

Monitoring Endpoint Logs for Stronger Security

The massive shift to remote work makes managing endpoint security more critical and challenging. Yes, people were already using their own devices for work. However, the rise in phishing attacks during the COVID pandemic shows that all endpoint devices are at a higher risk than before. Plus, more companies are moving toward zero-trust security models. For a successful implementation, you need to secure your endpoints.

Graylog Insights -- How 2021 Will Shape 2022

People may not reminisce over 2021, but as Winston Churchill once said, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” 2021 swooped in on the coattails of a major supply chain data breach, and a lot of the challenges we experienced during this past year seemed to follow suit. To celebrate the best and hopefully move away from the worst that 2021 had to offer, this look back at 2021 trends can inspire us all to learn, and most of all, show us how to move forward.

Understanding business and security risk

Even if an organization has developed a governance team, aligning integration decisions with business needs must be incorporated into the zero trust architecture. The company’s business model drives the applications chosen. The senior leadership team needs someone who can translate technology risks and apply them to business risks. For example, security might be an organization’s differentiator.