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Elastic beats Beats Users with a Breaking Change

Last week Elastic.co started locking down its Beats OSS shippers such that they will not be able to send data to Elasticsearch 7.10 or earlier open source distros, or Non-Elastic distros of Elasticsearch. If you weren’t watching closely this might have slipped under your radar. Embedded within the Beats 7.13 minor release that was published over the weekend, a release note advised of a breaking change in which “Beats may not be sending data to some distributions of Elasticsearch”.

Writing My First OpenSearch Plugin

Personally, I’ve always wanted to contribute to an open-source project, but never found a way to incorporate it with my day-to-day work. Occasionally, I’d muster up the courage to clone a project I liked, seeking a good entry point to add some new feature or handle some issue. I thought that all I needed was to make a small contribution and everything else would just flow into place.

OpenSearch: The Open Source Successor of Elasticsearch

What an exciting episode of OpenObservability Talks it was! On May 27, I hosted Kyle Davis, Senior Developer Advocate for OpenSearch at AWS, for a chat about the OpenSearch project, where it stands and where it’s heading. I wanted to share with you some interesting insights from our chat. You’re more than welcome to check out the full episode.

Use Logz.io to Instrument Kubernetes with OpenTelemetry & Helm

Logz.io is always looking to improve the user experience when it comes to Kubernetes and monitoring your K8s architecture. We’ve taken another step with that, adding OpenTelemetry instrumentation with Helm charts. We have made Helm charts available before, previously with editions suitable for Metricbeat and for Prometheus operators.

Finding the Bug in the Haystack: Correlating Exceptions with Deployments

You’re called in. The system is misbehaving. It could be a key metric going crazy, or exceptions starting to fire. You’re troubleshooting, beating around the bush, just to realize that one of the team’s deployments was the one messing things up. Sounds familiar? If you’re practicing continuous deployment, you probably experience that several times a week, if not more. Users report that 50% of their outages are due to infrastructure and code changes, namely deployments.

Logz.io Now Supports AWS App Runner

Logz.io now natively supports AWS App Runner. AWS has launched an innovative service called App Runner. This service builds upon Fargate, the AWS service that runs containers on Kubernetes without manual maintenance, patching, and upkeep of the containers or Kubernetes itself. App Runner takes this to the next level. It creates additional automation of and capabilities to deploy, run, and scale containerized workloads in concert with continuous deployment.

Is "Vendor-Owned" Open Source an Oxymoron?

Open source is eating the world. Companies have realized and embraced that, and ever more companies today are built around a successful open source project. But there’s also a disturbing counter-movement: vendors relicensing popular open source projects to restrict usage. Last week it was Grafana Labs which announced relicensing Grafana, Loki and Tempo, its popular open source monitoring tools, from Apache2.0 to the more restrictive GNU AGPLv3 license.

Keep Calm and Simplify Managing your SIEM events with Siemplify

We created our Logz.io Cloud SIEM with a clear goal: providing a rapidly deploying, flexible, and cost-effect security management tool that can serve broad datasets and withstand the occasional bursts of events without a sweat. However, our users were coming back to us with requests for more. After all, it’s great to proactively detect proliferating security threats, but what’s the next step beyond just identifying the threat?

From Distributed Tracing to APM: Taking OpenTelemetry & Jaeger Up a Level

It’s no secret that Jaeger and OpenTelemetry are known and loved by the open source community — and for good reason. As part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), they offer one the most popular open source distributed tracing solutions out there as well as standardization for all telemetry data types.

Logz.io and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Amazon Web Services has announced enhanced support for the open-source distribution of the OpenTelemetry project for its users. AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) now includes support for AWS Lambda layers for the most popular languages and additional partners integrated into the ADOT collector. And one of those partners is Logz.io! Logz.io is happy to announce that our exporter is now included in the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry.