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DevOps interview questions: How to prepare

On LinkedIn, there are more than thirty thousand U.S.-based DevOps positions. That number may not be as high as it is for software developers, but it’s still higher than sysadmins or systems engineers. Maybe this demand has you interested in switching career paths, or maybe you want to change jobs. If that’s the case, you’re in luck. Today’s post will present some common interview questions that you’ll probably get when interviewing for a DevOps position.

Master IE11 Developer Tools in 2019

Internet Explorer 11 is an updated version of the IE web browser developed by Microsoft. And if previous versions saw you move to other browsers, then this article will help you reconsider. The previous versions of Internet Explorer didn’t have a developer-friendly browser, but vast improvement can be seen in its latest version. The built-in developer tools in IE11 now make developing and debugging code in the browser a simple task.

Announcing the latest dashboard enhancements

When we first released our custom dashboard over a year ago, we had the needs of our customers in mind. The customizable tiles go a long way in ensuring that the dashboard meets your data display needs while being easy to use. We’re always improving the Raygun dashboard—here’s the latest from the app team.

SOLID design principles: Building stable and flexible systems

To build stable and flexible software, we need to keep software design principles in mind. Having error-free code is essential. However, well-designed software architecture is just as important. SOLID is one of the most well-known sets of software design principles. It can help you avoid common pitfalls and think about your apps’ architecture from a higher level.

What site reliability engineering (SRE) and how is it different from DevOps?

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is Google’s approach to service management where software engineers run production systems using a software engineering approach. It’s clear that Google is unique, and they usually need to tackle software bugs and errors in different and non-conventional ways. But having software engineers doing a job that is traditionally done by professionals with a systems administration background sounds impractical.