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The Monitor - Andy Tuba, Senior Software Developer at Reddit

For the sixth edition of The Monitor we spoke to Andy Tuba, a Senior Software Engineer at Reddit. Reddit is a site that needs no introduction, but we’re gonna write one anyway because otherwise this section would just be blank. They bill themselves as the front page of the internet, and considering they’re the 8th most popular website in the world, that isn’t just marketing pablum.

What Customer Success Means to Sentry

At Sentry, collaboration is vital to everything we do. While this collaboration is often internal (product and engineering), we also recognizes the value of external, customer-focused collaboration. Enter: Sentry’s Customer Success team. As a group of experienced Customer Success Managers (CSMs), we’re here to help our paying customers achieve their objectives and get the most out of Sentry.

Life at Sentry: Meet Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist(a)

In our appropriately named Life at Sentry series, we talk to Sentry employees about what life is like at Sentry (and how they ended up here). In this edition, we’re chatting with Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist(a) at Sentry, about stumbling into tech, imposter syndrome, and not getting cast as Carrie in “Carrie: The Musical.” Take a look at our available jobs if you’re interested in joining us.

Modernizing Development with Continuous Shipping

Ahoy there. Continuous shipping: a concept many companies talk about but never get around to implementing. Ever wonder why that is? In the first post of this three-part series, we’ll go over(board) the concept of continuous shipping and why it’s valuable. Parts two and three will deep-dive into the process implementation. Buckle that life jacket; it’s time to set sail.

How Clubhouse.io used Objective-C + the Sentry React Native Integration for Post-Launch Error Tracking

In A Comedy of Errors, we talk to engineers about the weirdest, worst, and most interesting application and infrastructure issues they’ve encountered (and resolved) over the years. This week, we hear from Eli Perkins, Mobile Engineer at Clubhouse. Clubhouse is a project management platform that makes it simple for software teams to relate how their everyday tasks are contributing towards a larger goal.

3 Reasons to Disable JavaScript Source Fetching in Sentry

When you’re using the Sentry JavaScript SDK, the source code and source maps are automatically fetched by scraping the URLs within the stack trace. While this is the default setting, the ability to disable JavaScript source fetching on a project-by-project basis has always been available. In our continued push to improve configuration accessibility and security, Sentry now allows you to control this feature organization-wide.

Exception Perceptions: Everything is Cool When You're Part of a Team

Welcome, and thanks for joining us! Today on Exception Perceptions, we’re inviting Sentry Product Manager Sara Gilford to give us all the dirt on collaboration and ownership. That’s right; we’re uncovering the juicy details of who and how folks on teams within Sentry should be notified when issues pop up in their application.

How Wix Supports TDD with their TestKit for Sentry's Raven SDK

Ziv Levy, Software Engineer at Wix (a Sentry customer), recently faced two challenges: simulating a bug in Wix code and testing report data. His recent blog post, Meet Raven TestKit: Wix Engineering’s Open Source Tool to Test Sentry Reports, dices into how a plugin for Sentry’s Raven SDK helped him tackle those challenges, with specific documentation detailing what made the choice so simple. Read the post below, and then go try Raven TestKit for yourself (please, and thank you).