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Sentry's New Java Agent: Adding Context to Your Stack Traces

We’re enhancing the existing Sentry Java SDK with our new Java agent. The thing is — it’s still in beta, and we need your feedback. Once downloaded, the agent will enhance your application stack traces on Sentry by adding the names and values of local variables to each frame. Specifically, the agent provides much more detail about the current state of the application at the time of the error than you would usually have.

Exception Perceptions: Automate Your Workflow with Probot for GitHub Apps

On this episode of Exception Perceptions, GitHub Community Engineer Bex Warner stopped by to chat about Probot, a framework for automating GitHub. Watch the episode, and then read what else Bex has to say about the magic of Probot. Also, check out this example of what Sentry has built with Probot.

Python, JavaScript, .NET, and Rust: Sentry's Unified SDK Updates

Since you’re reading this blog, you’re likely aware of the most critical part of using Sentry: our client SDKs. We shared previously that we were updating Sentry’s SDKs, and now we’re on the verge of those updates becoming the default. This affects a few of our most popular platforms: Python and JavaScript, plus we also threw .NET and Rust into the mix for good measure.

Sentry + Microsoft Azure DevOps: Error-Tracking, Crash-Reporting, & More

Sentry is updating our key integrations for Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS). With these tightly-woven integrations, developers (like you) can unlock enhanced release tracking, informative deploy emails, and assignee suggestions for new errors. Route alerts to the right person based on the Azure DevOps commit that caused the issue, cutting remediation time to five minutes.

Sentry + GitHub: Now with Support for GitHub Enterprise and Other New Features

Great news: we’ve updated the Sentry’s GitHub and GitHub Enterprise integrations! With the growing relationship between GitHub and Microsoft’s developer stack, Sentry will help users save time, squash bugs, and work more efficiently through the many different parts of the development workflow. The features you already use in our existing integration are still there, including resolve via commit or via pull request, issue tracking, and suggested assignee via commit.