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The Future of Selling Your Cars Is Now: How Mobile Apps Are Changing the Car Sales Industry

Selling your car has never been easier-thanks to mobile apps. The traditional car sales industry is being revolutionized by the emergence of mobile technologies and apps. By incorporating mobile technology into the selling process, car owners can now sell their vehicles quickly and securely, without the hassle and expense of using a traditional dealership.

The Impact of EV Charging Station Standards on Industry Growth

With the rise of environmental conservation, people are becoming more conscious of their carbon footprint on the Earth. From using paper straws to solar energy, sustainable choices are endless. One of the up-and-rising solutions is the use of electric automobiles. To alleviate carbon emissions, replacing fuel with electricity has proven to be effective. As this methodology moves on to vehicles, EV charging stations have multiplied internationally to meet global demand.

Automotive industry trends for 2023 and beyond

After the rough COVID-19 years, 2022 has seen the start of economic improvements. Although the automotive industry is experiencing its worst sales numbers in over a decade, it saw increased profits thanks to strong demand, allowing for higher prices. Geopolitical issues such as the war in Ukraine and microchip shortages are forcing analysts and OEMs to remain careful regarding their forecasted results.

Security and real-time Linux in a shifting automotive world

Software is completely changing the automotive industry - from vehicle design to use and maintenance. The whole lifecycle now relies on software and vehicles resembling “computers on wheels”. But vehicles aren’t regular devices like smartphones. They move humans at hundreds of kilometers per hour and need to be safe and secure at all times. When there is software involved, there are always security vulnerabilities. No cybersecurity expert can say the opposite. How can the automotive industry navigate the shift towards software-defined vehicles while ensuring the best level of security?

Automotive consortiums: Setting new standards for safety and cybersecurity

Canonical strongly believes that the future of automotive will rely on open source to define and run the next generation of vehicles. To drive this transition, state-of-the-art cybersecurity and functional safety are critical. To learn more about the industry’s specific constraints, we are actively involved in several automotive consortiums and are contributing to automotive-related standards.

Are Your Drivers Safe While Working? This Is How To Help Them

It is your duty as a business owner to make sure that your staff members are safe while they are on the job. You need to ensure that your drivers take all essential precautions to safeguard themselves on the road because driving may be difficult. Due to their lack of caution and vigilance, road users frequently get into accidents or other risky circumstances. Here are some suggestions for ensuring the safety of your drivers while they are at work.

Functional safety in automotive: contributing to ISO 26262 and ISO 21434 standards

If you’ve been reading our recent automotive blogs and white papers, you know that the automotive industry is highly complex and regulated, especially when it comes to functional safety and cybersecurity. Standards and consortiums help ensure that companies provide a common framework and follow compatibility and interoperability approaches. Usually, these standards define constraints in how specific components and systems are designed or how they should work together.

Benefits of AI Dash Cameras in Your Commercial Fleet Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has never been more prevalent in business than it is today. This is especially true when dealing with the transportation industry. For commercial fleet businesses in particular, a groundbreaking development has been that of AI dash cameras within the vehicles. These cameras use advanced algorithms to process visual data in real time, providing fleet managers with a wealth of information that can help them make more informed decisions and operate their businesses more efficiently. Read on to discover a few of the many benefits that using AI dash cameras can have on your commercial fleet vehicles.