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How to Balance Security With DEX for a Critical Advantage

Raise your hand if you enjoy being kicked out of the application you were working on for an unexpected security patch! No one? We can wait … Really, no one? Okay, we figured. And we’re not surprised. Jamie Whalen, host of the Everywhere Workplace Podcast, recently sat down with Steve Brasen, Research Director for Enterprise Management Associates, to talk about the perceived conflict between Digital Employee Experience (DEX) and security.

Securing Productivity in Supply Chains

Mobile device management – it’s been part of your operational technology portfolio for a long time. You’ve been using it for years – or maybe decades – to stage device configurations, push software updates and more. You might be using our Ivanti Avalanche MDM solution to manage your rugged mobile deployments. The device, OS and app management capabilities remain at the center of your mobility management program, and that isn’t going to change.

Ivanti Browser Manager

Ivanti Browser Manager maximizes the end-user experience by retaining essential web data, so that user favorites are synchronized across all browsers and URLs redirect to an appropriate browser. With Ivanti Browser Manager you can provide a user experience optimized for mobile and remote users in a multi-browser environment across all desktops, physical and virtual instances.

What to Look for With Ivanti's Fourth Quarter Release

In 2004, a joint initiative of the US Department of Homeland Security and the National Cybersecurity Alliance declared October National Cybersecurity Awareness Month to help raise awareness of the best practices to remain safe while working online. Vigilance enables us to maintain privacy and productivity for our own sake and for the organizations we may work for.

Take Stock During Peak Season

It’s that time of the year again and peak season 2022 feels different. With supply chains and global economies in flux, businesses have a lot to consider. Shipping woes are subsiding in many areas – consider that a year ago, the queue at the Port of Long Beach, California was approaching a peak of 110 vessels, down to eight freighters in September of this year. East coast ports in the US and others around the globe are seeing rising tides.

Privacy, Please! Why a Comprehensive Federal Framework is Essential to Protect Consumer Data Privacy

Laws vary by state. That’s expected. Fairbanks, Alaska, enacted a law prohibiting the provision of alcoholic beverages to moose, so don’t even think about it. In a part of Washington State, good luck trying to kill Bigfoot. (Not because Bigfoot doesn’t exist, but specifically because it’s illegal per a 1969 law.) But what happens when state-specific regulations are used to address a topic that transcends geographic boundaries like, say, the internet?