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5 Website Architecture Tips That You Should Know About

Imagine being lost in a new place, and your maps don't help much. That sounds frustrating, right? Yet, it's precisely how your website visitors feel if you don't have functional website architecture to guide them through your content. Website architecture is the mind map that guides your visitors and search engines through the content on your website.

What Is An Application Programming Interface (API) And How Does It Work?

Whether you know it or not, APIs (application programming interfaces) significantly impact our relationship with technology, allowing applications to share and exchange data seamlessly so we can access multiple pieces of information from a single source. Without API technology, we'd likely get lost far more often (APIs are fundamental to navigation apps like Google Maps), and booking a vacation would be much more complicated (travel booking sites rely heavily on API tech, too).

Why Website Uptime Monitoring Is Crucial For Preventing Downtime

Website uptime monitoring is crucial for any business that depends on its website. But for companies whose whole service is online, it is essential. If your site isn't reliably serving users when they need it, your competitors are just a Google search away. So you can't just check your site is running now and then - you need a tool to check it as frequently as possible.

Best Remote System Monitoring Solutions in 2022

Companies must effectively monitor their assets and networks in today's competitive setting, get the most significant result, and react swiftly to problems. However, such a situation is unusual with companies that continue to run in a traditional, isolated setting. These companies frequently don't have precise asset performance tracking procedures.

How to Perform Geolocation Testing to Ensure Your Website Works Globally

So, you have launched a website intending to reach a worldwide audience? If you're running a business, this could be the first step to growing your brand. But is your website really ready to go global? After all, just because your website works for a user in the United States doesn't mean it will be accessible to a user in Japan. For one, not everyone speaks the same language. Does your website offer translation for users visiting from different global locations?

10 Things Successful Businesses Do in 2022

Business, as we know it today, is one of the oldest human activities. Because there is always a need, there is always an opportunity to satisfy this need and increase business relations. This dynamic of demand and supply is likely the most basic business principle. Even in the current online business environment, this principle continues to guide how the most successful businesses boost their visibility and growth.

Cloud Security: Key Emerging Trends You Need to Know in 2022 And Beyond

The early days of cloud computing saw people subject it to severe scrutiny. The main talking point revolved around its security and the ability of infrastructure providers to keep it secure. Regardless of the doubts, more businesses are migrating to the cloud. That's mainly because leading cloud service providers have consistently improved and upgraded their processes to secure their networks. However, even with years of improvement, the old fears remain.

7 Essential Tips For Choosing The Best Domain Name and Why it Matters

Choosing a domain name is a task that requires your full attention and should be thought about long before you undertake your website launch checklist. An inappropriate or poorly thought-through domain name is something you'll be stuck with for the foreseeable future. Domain names are tricky to change and can lead to serious SEO complications for your brand. By researching, you'll be better informed to choose a domain that works for you by maximizing website traffic and driving business revenue.

Nameserver Explained: What it is And How it Works

The Internet is a vast network of servers and devices connecting people worldwide. It allows for near-instant data communication between machines, which is presented in a readable format for the end-user. From a human perspective, it's a simple case of typing the URL of your desired website and pressing enter. Of course, computers talk to one another in their own numerical language, using lengthy IP addresses to refer to domains instead of URLs.